What Should You Eat To Recover Quickly After An Abortion?

It’s crucial for a woman to consume the correct foods to recuperate fast following any abortion, whether it is a medical abortion or a surgical one. Some meals can boost your immune system and reduce discomfort. People frequently consider eating little or avoiding large meals, however, there are several other more targeted foods you may eat to hasten your recovery. We’ll discuss what to eat after an abortion in this blog article and offer some useful tips. However, let’s first discuss the items you shouldn’t eat following an abortion.

What Foods To Avoid After An Abortion?

  • Avoiding fried and oily meals is a smart idea. Even while oily meals like fries are harder to digest than other foods, they might cause greater discomfort if they stay in your digestive system for a long time.
  • Additionally, avoiding some meals that might exacerbate pain is advised. For instance, spicy foods might upset your stomach and cause more gas, abdominal discomfort, or cramps. The same holds true for dairy goods like milk and cheese. While they offer the necessary calcium for strong bones after an abortion, they might also aggravate your digestive system.
  • Caffeine should be avoided for a minimum of two weeks after having an abortion. Caffeine can hasten the creation of stomach acid, which can slow down digestion and reduce nutritional absorption, resulting in bloating and gas. Additionally, it dehydrates the body. If you really must have your daily dose of coffee, make sure you eat something in addition to it to offset its laxative effects.
  • Avoid using painkillers before meals since this might cause the digestive process to slow down. It can be important to use certain painkillers if you’re in severe pain. However, if the discomfort is bearable, you should think about going without any medicine altogether.

What To Eat After Abortion?

  • As your digestive system may be sensitive after an abortion, it’s advisable to opt for easily digestible foods with low fat and fiber content, which can be challenging for your stomach to process.
  • Stay well-hydrated. Having enough fluids ensures that food moves through your digestive system without issues, so aim for a minimum of eight glasses of water daily. Consider trying ginger tea or soda as well. Ginger not only assists in digestion but also serves as a natural anti-inflammatory, reducing the discomfort of cramps and bloating.
  • Choose lean meats and vegetables for your meals. Chicken breast, for example, is low in fat and easier on your stomach compared to beef. Opt for vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts because they are low in fiber and packed with essential vitamins and nutrients.
  • Consider incorporating canned salmon or tuna for Omega-3 fatty acids and protein in your post-abortion diet. Opt for light, easy-to-digest foods like pasta, bread, or soup. Boiled potatoes without the skin provide vital nutrients such as Vitamin C and potassium. To satisfy your taste buds and enhance your recovery, blend a banana with non-dairy milk for a delicious banana smoothie rich in potassium and magnesium, essential for healthy blood clotting.
  • Enjoy flavored ice pops without added sugar – these can be delightful treats to freshen your mouth during the recovery process after surgery. Opt for flavors like orange, grape, and cola, as they use natural ingredients instead of processed sugars that can potentially exacerbate nausea.


Following an abortion, your body is in a delicate condition. While there are no strict dietary rules after an abortion, consuming nourishing and wholesome foods is essential for a quicker healing process. By adhering to the guidance provided in this blog post, you can enhance your body’s chances of a successful recovery. If you have any inquiries or concerns, do not hesitate to consult with your healthcare provider.