Everyone loves a baby that is chubby; there is something absolutely lovely about a roly-poly belly and thighs. The term “baby fat” is not a concern for most people. Not only do we think it’s adorable, but we also see it as temporary and healthy.
Unfortunately, neither it’s temporary nor healthy. Parents must therefore pay attention to their baby’s weight.
Luckily, there are a few simple advice parents can take to keep their baby at a healthy weight and set them up for best in keeping that weight.
6 Ways for Keeping a Healthy Baby Weight
1. Breastfeed
Many mothers can’t breastfeeding for very long, and some can’t do it at all. If it is possible, breastfeeding is a great way to maintain a healthy baby weight.
Benefit of Breastfeeding
- The best source of nutrition is breast milk.
- Everywhere and at any moment, mothers can breastfeed.
- Babies that are breastfed may be more resistant to some acute and chronic illnesses and diseases.
2. Avoid feeding every crying
There are numerous reasons why babies cry. They cry for various reasons, such as hunger, exhaustion, fear, overload, boredom, discomfort, or even simply a simple want to be carried. Parents should look into other options before feeding the baby if it has only recently last fed.
3. Avoid overfeeding
It’s normal to want a baby to consume their entire bottle or bowl of food. However, it’s important to accept a baby’s signs if he stops feeding and signals that he doesn’t want any more food.
What happens if you overfeed a baby?
A baby who is overfed frequently has following problems:
- Discomfort because they are unable to properly digest all of the breast milk or formula.
- A baby that is overfed may also swallow air, which can result in gas production
- Increased stomach pain, and crying.
4. Give healthy solid food
Give fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, fish, and lean meats to your kid as soon as they are ready. Babies will try anything. Build their taste for meals you want them to eat forever during this period before they become fussy eaters.
5. Start family meals early
Bring your baby to the table to eat with you as soon as he/she is able to sit in a highchair. Family dinners build strong bonds and decrease the risk of overweight in kids who have meals with their parents.
Children who are in good mental and physical health do better in school and stay out of trouble as teenagers.
6. Get your baby moving?
Childhood exercise may and should be encouraged. Place your baby on the floor, engage in “tummy time,” and promote mobility. Get on the ground and join them. Make place where they can crawl, learn to walk, and run safely. Take them for walks, and once they can walk on their own, make sure they do so as well.
We’ve covered 6 ways for keeping a healthy baby weight. The goal for mothers is to maintain a healthy baby weight while allowing for normal growth and development. Without seeking the advice of a medical professional, children SHOULD NOT be put on a weight gain or loss diet.