Best Ways to Enjoy Mindful Walking

When dealing with a lot things, it’s normal to get exhausted. But, you shouldn’t let the stress get the best of you. You shouldn’t let it impact your sanity, happiness, and everything that comforts you. One of the quickest things that can instantly get you out of stress and negativity is mindful walking.

In this post, we’ll dive into some of the best ways in which you can enjoy mindful walking.

What is Mindful Walking?

Mindful walking is focusing on the present moment while walking. You focus on your body, surroundings, and how you are breathing and incorporate deep breathing exercises. The goal is to clear your head, regain focus, destress, gain happiness, and become more aware of the moment you are in.

deep breathing exercises

Best Ways To Enjoy Mindful Walking

1. Breathe

Breathe naturally, deeply, and without forcing it, in a way that it’s audible to you.

As normal as it sounds, one of the first things you can do to enjoy mindful walking is to focus on your breathing. Feel how you breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth.

While we recommend not letting the passerby know that you are breathing, your breath should be loud enough to bring you to the present moment.

2. Body Awareness

Focus on your body.

For the next few minutes, focus on your body. From the top of your head to the tip of your toe. Gain awareness about the movements of the various parts of your and the sensations you are feeling. Here is a comprehensive guide on how you can do body scan meditation while walking.

3. Go Slow

Walk at a pace at which you can enjoy your walking session.

First things first, if you have decided to do conscious or mindful walking, set aside some time for that. Then, on your chosen path, walk at a pace that suits you well. It should preferably not be very fast or very slow, it should just be the right pace at which you can enjoy your surroundings or focus on your body. 

4. Enjoy Your Environment

Savor the place where you are walking, and be mindful of your surroundings.

We recommend that you choose a silent road or a park or even consider mindful walking in nature. Here’s why this is important – In such places, you are either alone or surrounded by fewer individuals who you know won’t disturb you. In such places, you can focus on yourself, or on your body.

Next, when walking take note of everything that’s happening around you – the bird’s chirping, the movement and sound of your feet, the rustling of leaves, everything.

5. Ditch Your Phone

Avoid checking your phone while you walk.

If possible, leave your phone at home before you head out for a conscious walking session. However, if you are a music lover, ditching your phone entirely may not be possible. So, curate a playlist that consists of your favorite calming music (something along the lines of slow upbeat music, light deep house, etc) and download it offline before you start walking.

6. Walk With Gratitude

Time to throw negativity out of the window and appreciate what you have.

Instead of focusing on the negativities in your life or judging others for the wrong they might have done, shift all your focus to the positives. Look around you, if you see something beautiful, take note of it. If, while on your walk, a happy memory of a friend doing something good to you strikes, pay gratitude in your mind.

The key here is to counter a negative thought with something positive and then pay gratitude for what you have.

7. Don’t Judge Your Thoughts

Hear your thoughts out but without any judgment.

An important aspect of mindful walking in our opinion is to walk alone. This way you won’t have to worry about someone judging or constantly nagging you for attention. This exercise aims to let the thoughts flow as they arrive. It doesn’t matter if they are good or bad, positive or negative. Even if it’s a negative thought, let it arrive, acknowledge it but don’t dwell on it, or don’t let it sit inside your head or heart.

Time To Unwind With Mindful Walking

Trust us – A few minutes of immersive mindful walking can rejuvenate you. If you found the ways discussed in this post helpful and if you regularly engage in mindful walking, do share your experience in the comments below. Also, share this post with someone who you care for.