Can Skin Cancer Cause Death?

Skin Cancer: Why Does It Occurs in a Person?

The abnormal growth of the skin cells forms a disease on the skin called skin cancer.

There are various reasons for skin cancer to occur in a person including:-

UV Exposure

Sunlight not only has bright light but also UV rays. These rays are harmful for skin and increases the risk of skin cancer to occur in a person.

Sunburn History

If a person constantly goes through sunburn and exposes his/ her skin to sunlight a lot, the risk of the skin developing cancer cells increases. Also, if a person has light and thin skin type, he/ she is also more prone to sun burn under the sunlight and thus more prone to skin cancer.

Immune Suppression

A weak immune system increases the person’s risk of suffering from skin cancer as the immune system will not be able to fight with the harmful skin cancer cells and thus if the cancer cells develop in a person he will be at higher risk of developing the condition. Certain medical treatment and medicines especially due to organ transplant, the condition of immune suppression develops and the person becomes more prone of develo[ping cancer.

HPV Infection

HPV stands for Human Papilloma Virus. If a person suffers from this disease, then he is also [prone to a type of skin cancer called Squamous Cell Carcinoma skin cancer.


Some regions’ water has a high content of arsenic in it. Drinking this water for prolonged periods of time can lead to cancer cells to develop in a person’s body.


Smoking  causes cancer, it is not something that is a new fact or unknown to anyone. Smoking causes cancer of not only lungs or mouth but also of skin. Smoking is something l;ijke a person calling for death himself.

Survival Rate: Skin Cancer Can Be Fatal or Not?

A person diagnosed with skin cancer given how many years left to live varies a lot and depends on various factors like skin cancer type, early or late diagnosis, treatment approach, person’s immune power, after treatment care, etc.

Let’s talk today about one of these factors that is, skin cancer type and their survival rates:-


Melanoma skin cancer type is the most dangerous type of skin cancer. However, it is the most uncommon type to develop in human beings. The cancer develops in the cells known as melanocytes, which are the skin cells responsible for the pigment secretion called melanin that gives skin kits colour.

Melanoma skin cancer usually presents as a brown or black spot that’s larger than a mole. It usually develops in the chest, back, legs, soles of feet, etc.

Melanoma is a deadly skin cancer type but can be cured or prevented to spread in different areas of the skin if diagnosed and treated during the early stage of the cancer. The person if diagnosed in 0, 1 and 2 stages, could get treated and survive for almost 5 years and in 3 and 4 stages, only 63.6 and 22.5 percent people live for 5 years, condition is taking proper medicine and getting regular checkups and testament done.

Merkel Cell Carcinoma

As the name suggests, the cancer occurs in merkel cells that are present under the top layer of the skin near the nerve endings. It is the rarest skin cancer type and mostly occurs in 50 and above year old people or people with very weak immune power. 

The cancer spreads very rapidly from one part of the body to the other parts of the body and it can become fatal if it spreads to the brain, lungs, liver, or bones.

The five year survival rate of merkel cell cancer varies with stages like in 0, 1 and 2 stages people only 78 percent live for 5 years while 3 and 4 stage people, only 51 and 17 percent people live for 5 years.

Basal Cell Carcinoma

Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC), accounts for 80 percent of people suffering from skin cancer as it is the most common type of skin cancer. The cancer develops in the basal cells and mostly is present in the areas of the body that are highly exposed to sunlight.

It spreads at a very low speed to other body parts but can be life threatening if not treated or diagnosed on time.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) is also a not life threatening skin cancer type and can be cured if detected in early stages. It usually develops in the face, neck, back, chest, ears, back of the hands, etc.

Both the Basal Cell Carcinoma and Squamous Cell Carcinoma comes under the skin cancer type called non-melanoma skin cancer. Both these skin cancers are not fatal and can be completely cured if diagnosed in time. Even the BCC type has a 100 percent survival rate while SCC has 95 percent.