Why IV Therapy is the Ultimate Health Boost: Benefits Explained

IV therapy, abbreviated for intravenous therapy, is an alternative method of administering essential fluids and nutrients directly into the bloodstream. This helps the human body to absorb these essential nutrients quickly and immediately, without having to go through the digestive system.

The intravenous procedure is not new in the medical realm. It was first attempted in the 1600s but was banned shortly after due to improper hygiene. However, it finally started to take shape in the 1960s and since then, has been one of the most popular medical practices to exist to date.

This blog discusses the hoard of benefits that an IV therapy in Kelowna comes associated with. So, let’s take a look!

intravenous therapy

What Happens During an IV Procedure?

Before getting into the benefits, let’s understand the process of IV therapy clearly.

IV therapy involves the insertion of a thin tube referred to as a cannula into the vein. Generally, the cannula is placed at the crook of the arm. Then, the cannula is attached to a bag containing the essential fluids with a tube that slowly drips the fluids directly onto the bloodstream.

What Are the Types Of IV Therapy?

There are two main types of IV therapy available-

  • The IV Push Therapy: This procedure is performed for 15- 20 minutes at a stretch. At a time, a total of 30- 60 ml of fluids is slowly pushed inside the vein.
  • The IV Drip Therapy: This procedure takes a bit more time- about 45- 60 minutes. Naturally, the amount of fluid insertion is also high (250- 1000 ml at a stretch).

While oral ingestion of medicine has a 20- 50% absorption rate, both the push and drip IV therapies allow for a 90- 100% absorption rate of essential fluids, nutrients, and vitamins by the body.

Benefits Of IV/Intravenous Therapy

Now that you know about the procedure and the types of IV therapy, let’s look at the handful of benefits that it comes associated with-

· It helps in rehydration

IV therapy is one of the most effective ways to fight dehydration! Essential electrolytes like magnesium, potassium, and calcium are needed to keep your body hydrated and also help fight headaches, and fatigue.

If you’ve been dehydrated due to a busy schedule, opting for IV therapy can readily help you to feel refreshed, energized, and rejuvenated. The essential electrolytes will be pushed directly into your bloodstream, thereby resulting in an optimal way of rehydration.

·  Helps speed-up recovery

IV therapy is not restricted to common people! If you’re a gym rat or a professional athlete, IV therapy is the best possible way to speed up your recovery process. How?

Well, certain IV infusions come loaded with amino acids. Amino acids, as we all know, are essential for cellular damage repair. Not only that, but it also helps in muscle growth and enhances muscle recovery. Therefore, professional athletes as well as gym rats can have hands-on results from IV therapy, as the direct insertion of amino acids in the bloodstream helps speed up the recovery process.

·  Enables more fluid absorption

As mentioned above, IV therapies enable more fluid absorption when compared to any other methods. While orally ingesting medications account for a 20- 50% absorption rate, IV therapies allow the body to absorb 90- 100% of the essential nutrients and fluids.

This is because oral ingestion causes the essential fluids and medications to pass through the digestive system. In contrast, IV therapy helps to bypass the digestive system, thereby allowing the body to absorb more fluids.

·  Boosts mental health

IV therapies are not just the harbingers of better physical health. It also helps boost the mental health effectively.

One of the main causes behind issues like clinical depression and anxiety are the lack of nutrients like magnesium and taurine. Opting for IV infusion therapy near me from reputed clinics like Valeo Health Clinic helps replenish these essential nutrients, resulting in promoting good sleep, and significantly reducing anxiety and stress levels.

·   Helps boost immunity

Vitamin B and iron have essential roles to play when it comes to strengthening the immune system. So, when someone falls sick frequently, it can readily be assumed that the person is suffering from a weak immune system.

IV therapies are the modern ways to give the immune system a helpful boost. Iron IV therapy and Vitamin B IV infusions are some of the most effective and efficient methods to extensively boost the immune system. So, the next time a doctor says that your immunity is being hampered, IV therapies from reputed Kelowna health and wellness clinics can be a great option to solve your issue.

To Conclude

IV therapy has evolved a lot from the days of its initiation and is one of the most extensively used treatment methods in the modern medical realm. If you want a quick and effective method of treatment, opt for IV therapy from the nearest IV health centres for the best results!