Is the Keto Diet Good for You?

The Keto Diet has gained massive popularity in the last decade and is the inspiration behind the contemporary Paleo, Atkins, and South Beach diet. Diet plans based on high protein and low carb consumption are rather basic, but the ketogenic diet involves extreme measures. The diet of an average American contains about 50% carbohydrates, as it is the primary source of energy. In order to pursue the Keto diet, you have to stop eating carbs or limit intake to 50g or less. Medical experts and contributors of Premier fitness blog often call this diet unhealthy or dangerous, as it requires a person to eliminate an essential food group from daily meals. 

The Keto diet works on a mechanism called ‘ketosis’; when the body receives no carbs to convert into glucose, it starts to break down ‘ketones’. Ketones are molecules derived by the liver from stored fat. People who wish to lose weight through ketosis may have to acquire 90% of their daily calorie intake from fatty foods. Keto has proven to be effective and efficient; many people have successfully shed around 20 pounds after following a two-week diet plan. The Ketogenic diet has been used to reduce symptoms of epilepsy in children since a long time; although, there is no clear explanation regarding how and why it works. 

Many people, who take up the Keto diet challenge, end up eating a lot of saturated fats and processed foods. These foodstuffs have high cholesterol and sodium levels, which are ultimately bad for health. The use of fresh vegetables and fruits is greatly minimized, which leads to the development of several pulmonary, digestive, and renal problems. The Keto diet is not recommended to patients who are already suffering from a heart or kidney disease. It is safe for simply overweight or obese people, as long as they are not diabetic. 

The Keto diet may benefit patients of Type 2 diabetes, as it helps maintain low blood sugar levels. On the other hand, patients with Type 1 diabetes may encounter a harmful medical condition called ‘ketoacidosis’ if they don’t take insulin. 

The chronic effects of a Keto diet are still unchartered territory as it is hard to keep up with. The diet is too restrictive to maintain for a long term, and it is known to make people feel sick if they try. It takes some time for the body to adhere to ketosis, so you might feel extremely fatigued and starved at the beginning. Many people have complained of aftereffects, including nausea, vomiting, constipation, bad breath, and insomnia. In addition, people who shed pounds through ketosis claimed that they regained the lost weight within a year.

In case you are perfectly healthy and wish to shed a couple of pounds or accelerate weight loss, shifting to the Keto diet for a short period is not a bad idea. However, you may switch back to a less strict diet after some time; such as the Mediterranean diet, which provides a better balance of essential nutrients required by the yoga to body fit. Try to stick to natural and unsaturated fats while you pursue the ketogenic lifestyle. Making the right choices among available food options makes all the difference. How well the diet works for you is not a guaranteed formula. Daily nutritional needs and metabolism differs from person to person. 

Read more about Slimfast Keto

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