Managing and Coping with Common Birth Control Pill Side Effects

birth control pill

Just like any other medicine, birth control pill also lead to side effects. This is because oral contraceptives impact hormone levels in an individual. Some birth control side effects include breast tenderness, nausea, headache, spotting, etc. While these effects are temporary, you must consult a healthcare provider in case any of the outcomes last long. Let us learn more about the symptoms of medications that prevent a pregnancy, how soon birth control side effects start, how to cope with these successfully, and reduce discomfort, if any.

1.    Headaches and Migraines

Migraine or headache while on birth control pills, don’t get alarmed. The effect is normal because of changes in estrogen and progesterone levels. The intensity of symptoms is directly linked with the field dosage. For instance, bills with low hormone doses are less likely to result in headaches. On the flip side, migraine is also a symptom of premenstrual syndrome, and using a contraceptive can combat it.

2.    Mood Changes

Hormones play an important role in a person’s mood and emotions, so changes in hormone levels One of the common birth control side effects include mood changes and peak emotions. Research has proved that projector and estrogen may impact brain function, leading to mood swings and depression. The role of hormone formulation in the contraceptive may determine why you feel turbulent emotionally. For instance, birth control medicines with low estrogen and drospirenone are at a lower risk of causing emotional outbursts. It is advisable to practice yoga, meditation, and other calming techniques to have control over your mind and mental health.

3.    Nausea

Usually, when you start with oral contraceptives for the first time the most common side effect is nausea. It can be a mild nausea tendency, yet bothersome. to reduce the incidence of nausea, take the medicine at bedtime or with food. To avoid birth control side effects first week and later, you must not feel nauseous too often. However, if the side effects last for a few months and get serious, seek medical attention immediately.

4.    Missed Periods

Birth control pills may make the blood flow lighter during periods. Sometimes you may miss a period or skip it entirely by taking regular birth control pills with placebos. While this side effect is not a huge concern, it is also a normal consequence of oral contraceptives. However, if you are expiring your period and yet miss it, get a pregnancy test done to confirm if you have conceived.

5.    Vaginal Discharge

The consistency and amount of vaginal discharge may alter after starting with birth control. And in many cases either the vernal duplication produces or increases. In case of dryness, using lubrication may help. Engaging in more physical relationships and intimacy can ease the issues of vaginal dryness. However, if you notice any unusual birth control side effects such as infection, you may look for medical help.

6.    Low Libido

Hormonal changes also affect your reproductive health and libido. In some cases, birth control medications may decrease libido and interfere with intimacy. You may feel disinterested in intimate acts. To counter this, you may switch to another type of oral contraceptive, or a different brand altogether. Or, you can make an effort to get intimate often with your partner and encourage yourself to get over this side effect.

7.    Breakthrough Bleeding

Spotting between periods indicates vaginal bleeding in the middle of a menstrual cycle. Breakthrough bleeding looks like a brown discharge and has a light flow. The reason behind the changing levels of hormones and the uterine lining getting thinner. It is also possible for these symptoms to occur in early pregnancy. To prevent pregnancy or birth control side effects, you should try and use the birth control pill at the same time, daily.

8.    Weight Gain

Weight gain is another consequence of certain birth control pills. However, not every type of contraceptive may lead to changes. Rather they may increase muscle mass or fat. On the contrary, many women experience weight loss by using the said medicine. If any unusual weight changes occur during this period, seek medical assistance.

9.    Blurry Vision

Hormonal changes can also affect your eyes. This is rare but not impossible if you are taking oral contraceptives. You may use eye drops and regularly check your vision if you are taking birth control pills for a long time. This can keep the eye problems if any at check, and grant you the full benefit of pregnancy prevention as well.

10. Breast Tenderness

If you encounter sore and painful breasts after using birth control pill, this is again linked to hormonal level changes. As a consequence, the breast sensitivity increases, and sometimes the breast size as well. To reduce the pain, you can switch to wearing a more supportive and comfortable bra. However, if the breast tenderness is severe and there is significant pain, you must consult a health professional.

To Conclude

Birth control pills are highly effective and successfully stop a pregnancy from taking place by restricting implantation and ovulation. However, the pills may cause some temporary side effects, which can be expertly managed. Knowing the above and implementing them, will surely help you to cope with the birth control side effects better.