How a Dermatologist Can Treat DPN or Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra?

Delhi Skin Specialist

Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra (DPN) is a common skin condition known for small, dark brown, or black papules. It occurs on the face, neck, upper chest, and back. It is harmless but affects the person’s self-esteem. The papule’s size varies from 1 to 5mm and is smooth and rough. It shows mostly on darker skin tones. It happens due to heredity during adolescence and is pronounced with age. Dermatologists diagnose the papules based on the appearance of the lesion. A skin Specialist in Delhi at Mehektagul Derma Clinic offers certain treatments such as cryotherapy, electrocautery, laser therapy, and shave excision to remove the papules effectively. 

Understanding DPN

DPN is a benign skin condition that appears on the face, neck, chest, and back. It can also occur in other parts of the body. They are small, dark brown papules that can be seen in individuals with darker skin tones. 

This is more common in women during adolescence or early adulthood. As the name suggests, it is mostly found of African, Asian, or Hispanic descent. It can be more noticeable over time. The actual reason for DPN is unclear, but it is considered a genetic issue. 

There is a possibility of DPN in children if their parents have this issue. Hormonal imbalance is also one of the reasons to develop or enhance DPN. During pregnancy, it worsens the DPN condition. It does not cause any pain or itching, but in severe cases it becomes inflamed. It is cosmetic concerns when the lesion is visible that reduce confidence levels. People feel embarrassed, leading to anxiety or depression. They avoid interacting with people as they become more conscious of their appearance. Removing papules is the best solution to enhance confidence and self-satisfaction. 

Dermatologists diagnose the DPN condition through visual examination based on the size, shape, and color of the papules. It is usually small, dark brown 1–5 millimeters in size. It occurs in distinct, pigmented lesions in cluster form. It usually does not require invasive diagnostic tests. Dermatologists suggest skin biopsy in severe cases where a small skin sample is extracted and observed under the microscope. 

DPN Removal Treatment 

DPN treatment is related to cosmetic aspects where papules are removed through various methods, providing an aesthetic appearance. The treatment choice is based on the number of lesions, their size and location, the patient’s desires, and skin type. Here are the most common treatments for DPN offered at Mehektagul Derma Clinic, a top, and Best Skin clinic in Delhi:

1. Cryotherapy: Cryotherapy plays a significant role in the treatment of Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra condition. DPN can be removed by using liquid nitrogen. These treatments freeze the small, dark papules and destroy them. Skilled dermatologists apply the liquid nitrogen directly with a cotton swab or spray to the lesions. Over time, lesions fall due to dryness. It is effective for smaller lesions as it is a quick and less invasive treatment.

Skilled dermatologists perform this treatment with high precision without damaging the adjacent skin, especially with the darker skin as it increases the risk of lightening of the skin. It causes redness, swelling, or mild discomfort after treatment, but it becomes normal within a few days. This treatment is not suitable for large lesions or in sensitive regions. 

2. Electrocautery: Electrocautery is used for the treatment of Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra lesion. DPN lesions are removed by using a device. The device generates heat by passing an electric current into it. It burns and damages the papules. The experienced dermatologists used this procedure with great precision to target the DPN lesions. This procedure is performed under local anesthesia to numb the treated area, preventing pain and discomfort. It is a fast process that causes mild redness, scarring, or skin color change. It takes a short recovery period to heal. It shows effectiveness through multiple treatments and provides a long-term solution to DPN. 

3. Laser Therapy: Laser therapy is the most popular treatment for DPN. The focused laser light is absorbed by the pigment papules, especially the dark lesion in the skin. It converts light energy into heat and breaks the papules without damaging the surrounding skin. Various laser types are used, like CO2, or ND Yag laser based on the patient’s skin type and the size of the lesions. It provides smooth skin with minimal downtime. It is suggested to follow pre-and-operative instructions for effective results. 

4. Shave Excision: It is a surgical process that removes the DPN lesion by using a small, sharp tool. Skilled dermatologists performed this procedure under local anesthesia to avoid pain and discomfort. The papules are shaved at the base of the papules with high precision without making an incision into the skin. This treatment is effective when the other method is challenging, especially for larger lesions. Post-operative care plays a significant role in fast recovery. 

5. Topical Treatments: It is a non-invasive procedure to remove DPN lesions by using creams, gels, or ointments. It applies directly to the skin surface. It reduces the lesion gradually and takes almost several weeks to months. Common topical agents are retinoids such as tretinoin or adapalene to lighten the pigmentation. It is suitable for mild lesions. 

DPN can cause itching and sometimes affect someone’s confidence. One can get them managed or removed with safe dermatological treatments offered by dermatologists at Mehektagul Derma Clinic.