Effective Denture Care: Tips for Proper Maintenance

A good set of dentures that will help you eat, speak, and smile is a pretty good investment. But just like with every investment, you want the dentures to last a long time. A good way to ensure your dentures will last a long time is proper maintenance.

By keeping them clean and well-maintained, the dentures can last up to 15 years!

However, the longevity of dentures depends on many things, but proper maintenance will surely contribute greatly.

So, if you’re interested in keeping your dentures clean and well-maintained, keep on scrolling because we have all the answers.

Importance of denture care

Your dentures may not be your natural teeth, but they deserve the same care. Properly maintaining your dentures is not only important for the longevity of the device but for health reasons as well.

If you don’t properly maintain your dentures, you risk plaque and bacteria building up, which, in turn, will lead to severe oral problems. In addition to that, not cleaning your dentures and mouth regularly can also result in bad breath, additional tooth loss, and gum disease.

Types of dentures

Before we jump straight to maintenance, you should know which types are available. The most common types of dentures include full and partial dentures, immediate dentures, implant-supported dentures, and overdentures.

Full dentures are used to replace all of your teeth. They can be used on a lower jaw, upper, or both and they sit on your gums. To clean them, all you need to do is remove them.

Partial dentures, on the other hand, are used when you still have some of your natural teeth left. These types of dentures are meant to fill the gaps left by missing teeth. They are attached to your natural teeth with metal clasps.

Immediate dentures you get immediately after tooth extraction. They are often just temporary devices that are replaced by your final dentures once your mouth has healed.

For implant-supported dentures, a dentist will need to surgically place implants into your jawbone. Once that is done, the dentures can be attached to the implants.

Overtures are fitted over your existing teeth. The small number of your remaining natural teeth are used as anchors and overtures can be placed over them.

As you can see, most of these dentures, regardless of how permanent or temporary they are, can be easily taken off and cleaned.

How to properly maintain your dentures

Remove and rinse

The first step is to remove the dentures and rinse them under running water. The water will remove any food particles or loose debris.

Brush your dentures

You should brush your dentures regularly just like you would brush your natural teeth. After you’ve rinsed your dentures, take a soft-bristled brush and a denture cream or some other non-abrasive cleanser. Never use regular toothpaste because it’s very abrasive and will damage your dentures. Brush the dentures at least two times a day.

Clean your mouth

While you’re brushing the dentures, make sure you also brush your mouth thoroughly. This means, brushing the remaining of your teeth, gums, tongue, the roof of your mouth, and cheeks.

This will help you remove any plaque from your mouth, as well as bad breath.

Soak dentures at least once a week

But just brushing your dentures is not enough. To make sure your dentures are really clean, you should soak them in a cleaning solution at least once a week.

Choose a mild cleaning solution that can successfully remove stains, odors, and bacteria from your dentures. Some cleaning agents are quite strong and contain quite a bit of bleach that can damage your dentures, so carefully choose the agents or consult with your dentist about them.

Before placing them back, make sure you rinse them thoroughly.

Leave the dentures out while you sleep

Since dentures accumulate a lot of bacteria, it would be best to leave them out of your mouth while you sleep. If you leave them on during the night, you risk a lot of problems caused by bacteria – problems with your gums, mouth, and your remaining teeth.

Avoid foods and drinks that can stain the dentures

As you probably know, certain foods and drinks can stain both teeth and dentures. Unfortunately, most of these foods and drinks are something we usually consume the most – coffee, tea, red wine, cola, curry, soy sauce, fruit juices, berries, and beetroot.

If you can, try to avoid consuming these foods and drinks.

Professional denture cleaning

Sometimes, dentures get stained no matter how much we take care of them. But don’t worry because you can go for a professional denture cleaning. Your dentist or hygienist will clean and polish your dentures, and you’ll have your white dentures again.

Try to do this regularly and you won’t have any staining issues.

Bottom Line

Properly maintaining and cleaning your dentures will not only ensure that they stay in good condition for years to come, but it will also ensure the health of your mouth. 

When cleaning your dentures always follow the above-mentioned tips, and also make sure you handle them carefully. Dentures can be fragile, so handle them with care.

If you have any questions or doubts, make sure you consult with your dentist.