Breaking the Chains of Dental Misconceptions!

Did you know that whiter teeth do not necessarily imply that you have healthy teeth?

Yes, like you, there are millions in the world who are grasped by such and various other misconceptions when it comes to the topic of oral health. The truth is, whiter teeth might enhance your external appearance but your teeth need proper examination before they can be certified as being healthy. It is high time that we address such false notions and break misconceptions surrounding our oral health with the Best Dental Clinic in Whitefield, Bangalore.

The Web of Dental Myth

Standing in the 21st century we are all aware of the power of the internet in our daily lives. The amount of information available through online resources on oral health is eventually overpowering our minds and senses. Also, you will see that people around you will have solutions for all your oral problems without having an adequate scientific understanding of their stated solutions. But my question to you is-

Why do you take your oral health so lightly?

Like any other organ and part of our body, our teeth are equally important to us. The problem is that we pay attention to every piece of information around us without considering the importance of visiting a dentist for regular oral checkups. Only when we start sensing dental problems, we do run to dental clinics to seek professional help. Read the next section to learn more about the common dental myths and the ways of eliminating them to accomplish dental wellness.

Did You Hear That Dental Myth?

#1: “No No, other health problems are not happening because of my unhealthy teeth.”

Dental problems are an indicator that you are having health issues in other parts of the body. Mouth is a point through which zillions of harmful germs can enter the body amplifying the risks of inflammation and other life-threatening diseases. Also, people suffering from diabetes are prone to gum diseases that have the utmost potential to aggravate the chances of cardiac problems.

#2: “Before sleeping I do not brush my teeth as I have already completed brushing two times in a day”

Dentists do stress the importance of brushing two times a day, but the timing does not depend on your convenience. We all know that brushing in the morning is necessary, but what we do not know is brushing before sleeping is equally important. Our mouth is prone to being affected by cavities or gum issues more during the night. The reason is when we sleep, the rate of production of antibacterial saliva becomes slow, increasing the chances of the growth of harmful foreign bodies in the body. Thus, brushing before sleeping is extremely important for optimum oral health.

#3: “I use mouthwash every single day, so I have stopped brushing.”

There is no substitute for brushing. Our toothbrushes reach the hidden portions of the mouth and teeth and drive off plaques or food items that otherwise have the potential to damage oral health. On the other hand, mouthwash is effective for controlling bacterial growth but they are inefficient in removing sticky particles from the inner portions of gum and teeth.

#4: “My teeth are strong because I chew ice cubes every day”

No research has shown that chewing ice can strengthen teeth. Ice can break or fracture your teeth because of its hardness. It can also cause damage to the tissues present around and inside the mouth. However, you can indulge in cold beverages to satisfy your cravings, but chewing a block of ice is never a good idea.

#5: “I think, you should start using DIY braces”

It is not suitable for conducting any kind of orthodontic treatment like wearing braces, at home. Orthodontic treatments require precise planning and execution by healthcare specialists. Without modern equipment and tools, wearing braces by trying to move teeth can be harmful. Expert guidance and recommendations are required to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the treatments.

#6: “Suffering from gum diseases is inevitable.”

Gum diseases like gingivitis are not an obvious occurrence. Not all individuals are bound to be affected by gum diseases. It is essential to take care of oral health from early childhood. The practices of brushing and flossing can help in eradicating many dental problems. Mouthwash can also be effective as it destroys the growth of germs in the mouth. Early detection and regular oral checkups can aid in avoiding gum problems successfully.

 #7: “The cavities in your baby’s teeth are not that serious.”

Yes, baby teeth are not permanent. They will fall once the baby starts growing. However, cavities can destroy the teeth and the gum areas. If the cavities are formed in the gum, they can hamper the development of the adult teeth making the foundation weak and unhealthy. Thus, cavities in the baby’s teeth are serious occurrences. Dental care must be a part of the daily schedule from a very young age. As caregivers, make the little ones get into the habit of brushing and flossing every day, for a healthier foundation of the teeth in the years to come.  

#8: “There is no need to visit a dentist if you are pregnant.”

During pregnancy, the hormones can give rise to dental problems specifically gum diseases. Many pregnant women suffer from gingivitis which causes inflammation or redness in the gum areas. Hence, it is extremely crucial to visit dentists for regular checkups during pregnancy. Also, pregnant women must adhere to regular brushing, cleaning teeth with floss, and other oral care techniques to maintain dental wellness. During pregnancy, every woman should remember that the habit of good oral practices can help immensely during their pregnancy journey and ensure the overall well-being of the baby.

From the addressed oral misconceptions, it is clear that there are a number of false notions that at times can create a negative impact on our well-being. So, remember that visiting the Best Dentist in Whitefield, Bangalore only when you are having a dental problem is not at all a good idea. Visit a dentist, opt for oral examinations, follow proper techniques for cleaning your teeth, and prioritize your oral health to burst misconceptions and achieve optimum dental wellness.