Choosing the Best Birth Control Option for Your Lifestyle – A Guide

birth control options

You can’t particularly pick a fish from tons of fishes in the ocean. Likewise, there are several birth control options available in the market. But which is the right option to go for?

More importantly, which is the best birth control option for you? There are many factors to consider before choosing one. Picking the right option highly depends on your body type, day-to-day life, daily routine, and what you prefer.

It also depends on your medical history, cases of high blood pressure, migraines, etc., or if you have smoking and drinking habits, making it risky to use birth control.

Let’s dive into the ocean of multiple birth control options and find the right one.

What are Birth Control Options?

Birth control options could be a savior for women. To avoid unwanted pregnancies and medical abortions you can always opt for birth control options. 

With multiple birth control options available, women have a right to make a reproductive choice, whether they want to reproduce or not, including the decision of medical abortion in case of unwanted pregnancy. 

There are several birth control methods available. Study shows almost 90% of women have used birth control methods in the past years. Women aged between 18 to 49 are the predominant users of birth control. 

Best Birth Control Options

  • Barrier Options

Barrier methods prevent the sperm from entering the egg, such methods as male and female condoms, diaphragms, cervical caps, and contraceptive sponges. All these methods are effective and safe to use.

A chemical method called Spermicide is also available for birth control. It is effective at stalling the speed of a sperm, eventually stopping it from reaching the cervix. It is inserted into your vagina and comes in the form of cream, foam, and gel. It is mandatorily used with the diaphragms and cervical caps.

  • Long-Acting Hormonal Methods

This method includes options like Hormonal IUDs, that help release a progestin hormone into the uterus, thickening the cervical mucus to prohibit the sperm from entering the eggs. This could also prevent the release of eggs from the ovaries.

Other methods include a copper IUD (ParaGrad), which can stay in the uterus for up to 10 years. Nexplanon (an implantable rod), the size of a matchstick, is again a very effective method.

  • Short-Acting Hormonal Methods

Birth control pills (Oral contraceptives), NuvaRing (Vaginal ring), Skin patches, and contraceptive injections (Depo-Provera) are some of the short-acting hormonal methods. Given the name short-acting, these are to be taken or used, on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.

  • Permanent Sterilization 

This is a permanent birth control method. People who never want to have a baby or people who have 1 or 2 can go for permanent sterilization. Women can have a tubal ligation or implantable Essure System, both block the fallopian tubes, barring the sperm from entering the egg. 

Men can go for Vasectomy, where they go through a surgery that involves cutting and sealing the tubes that carry the sperm into the semen.

Which is the Most Effective Birth Control Method?

  • Though every method mentioned above is thoroughly effective, the best one has to be the long-acting hormonal IUDs.  
  • According to the studies they are 99% effective, and can help you in the long term. The emergency contraception method, (ParaGrad) hormone-free copper IUD, is also 99.9% effective if implanted within 120 hours of sexual intercourse. 
  • Birth control patches and pills are 91 to 94 percent effective. Birth control pills should be taken every day at the same time, and birth control patches should be changed every 3 weeks. 
  • These are the reasons why you should think twice before choosing a birth control option. Considering your lifestyle, you may sometimes won’t get time to take your pill, or change your patch leading to an unexpected pregnancy.

Safety Precaution and Lifestyle changes

Many times, we overlook our safety concerns and lifestyle while choosing a birth control option. Before selecting, you have to understand the concepts and workings of each of these birth control methods.

If a woman has migraines or other neurological issues, smoking problems, or high blood pressure, she should not opt for options like CHCs (combined hormonal contraceptives) that contain synthetic estrogens. It could put you at risk of cardiovascular events or stroke.

However, you can always change the birth control option. It is not necessary that you use the same method throughout your life, change it according to the needs of the time. 


Q1) What is the best form of birth control for your body?

Ans: Long-acting hormonal methods like implants and IUDs are considered to be one of the best birth control options, effective at least 99%.

Q2) How to find the best birth control method for your lifestyle?

Ans: Do a thorough research before selecting the best option. Some of the best birth control methods are:

  • Barrier methods: (Male and female condoms, diaphragms, cervical caps, and contraceptive sponge.)
  • Hormonal IUDs
  • Implants
  • Birth control pills
  • Skin patch
  • Contraceptive injections
  • Permanent sterilization