How Do I Know if I Have Skin Cancer?

Skin cancer develops as a result of abnormal or out-of-control cell growth on your skin. It can appear anywhere on your body and affects people of all ages. It is, however, one of the most easily detected types of cancer.

The most important way to ensure early skin cancer detection in your body is to examine your body regularly and thoroughly. Keeping track of any new bumps or moles that appear will enable you to detect irregularities and report them to your dermatologist or medical professional.

Different Types of Skin Cancer

Skin cancers come in many different forms. Some are benign, and some require immediate treatment. A doctor or specialist will be needed to determine precisely what type of skin cancer is present. However, a few special types of skin cancer are:

1.     Basal Cell Carcinoma

Basal Cell Carcinoma is a type of skin cancer that affects nearly 3 million people each year. This type of carcinoma is most commonly found in areas of the body that receive a lot of UV exposure from the sun, such as the face, neck, and arms. Medical professionals can usually treat it easily, and treatments include prescription creams and surgical removal. Among the symptoms of this condition are:

–        Translucent, pearly bumps that vary in color from red to blue

–        Pale yellow areas that resemble scars

–        Open sores that don’t easily heal or returns without apparent cause

–        Growths that resemble wheels, with raised edges and a lowered center.

2.     Squamous Cell Carcinoma

This type of skin cancer develops as a result of uncontrolled squamous cell growth. These cells are found in the epidermis, or the skin’s outermost layer. It is the second most common type of skin cancer, affecting over 700,000 people in the United States each year.

This type of skin cancer is usually not life threatening, but if left untreated, it can progress to other types of cancer. This type of cancer manifests as:

–        Warts or wart-like growths

–        Red, scaly patches

–        Open sores that won’t heal

–        Raised lumps or growths

It is important to note that not all types of skin cancer have the same appearance. Similarly, many cancers are capable of ignoring their typical warning signs and symptoms.

3.     Melanoma

Melanoma is a less common but extremely dangerous type of cancer that affects melanocytes, the cells in your skin that produce melanin. It typically manifests as moles, with the survival rate being the most significant difference between melanoma and carcinomas. Melanomas frequently manifest as:

–        Quickly growing or changing shape

–        Single or multiple growths that exhibit shades of purple, blue or dark red.

–        Asymmetrical in shape

Melanoma and carcinomas can sometimes be identified solely by sight. However, early detection is critical for survival, and if you suspect you have melanoma, you should consult with a medical specialist right away.

Symptoms and Warning Signs

Skin cancer warning signs can vary so greatly that healthcare professionals have devised a simplified system for determining skin cancer apart from typical skin birthmarks, moles, and age or sunspots. This method, known as the “ABCDE rule,” enables you to quickly detect visual differences in your skin.

1.     Asymmetry

When examining moles, birthmarks, or marks, look for any asymmetrical features where one side does not quite match the other.

2.     Border

Some skin cancers can be detected in areas with irregular, blurred outlines around the center.

3.     Color

Mole and skin spot discoloration can be an indication of cancerous activity. This discoloration can also appear as patches of black, brown, blue, white, or even red.

4.     Diameter

If the spot is larger than 14″ across or larger in diameter than a pencil eraser, it could be a sign of skin cancer. Many types of melanoma, however, can manifest as smaller marks.

5.     Evolving

If your mole changes colour, size, or shape, it could be cancerous and will need to be diagnosed by a doctor.

If you suspect that a mark on your skin does not meet the above criteria, you should contact a dermatologist or medical professional right away to schedule a consultation.

Tricky to Spot

Melanoma can sometimes go undetected. Many people do not notice any changes in their bodies and continue to function normally. This is one of the most important reasons to stay vigilant and check your skin for changes on a regular basis.

Skin Cancer Prevention

Skin cancer is a very common type of cancer. It affects millions of people each year and manifests itself in a variety of ways. Furthermore, many risk factors play a role in the development of cancer, including genetics, environmental factors, and others. But how does one go about avoiding it? For this, you should see a dermatologist for skin cancer treatment. Unfortunately, cancer is not preventable in some cases, but there are numerous ways to limit your chances of developing cancerous growth. These include:

–        Limiting sun exposure

This is a big deal! Sunlight exposure frequently plays a significant role in the development of skin cancer. UV exposure can affect any race in any location, even in areas with more cloudy weather. Limiting your exposure to the sun can help prevent the formation of carcinoma and melanoma. Aside from limiting exposure, the best defence is to use SPC-specific sunscreen.

–        Refrain from indoor tanning

Indoor tanning beds, like regular UV exposure, significantly increase the risk of developing all types of skin cancer.

–        Regularly examine your skin

Taking the time to examine your skin is one of the most effective ways to detect skin cancer early. Most doctors recommend that you check yourself at least once a month for new or evolving growths.


Skin cancer is caused by the body’s uncontrollable growth of cells. Every year, millions of people are affected by various types of skin cancer. Some are harmless and can be treated with medication or surgery, while others are deadly. They can also vary greatly in terms of type, progression, and severity, so it’s critical to keep an eye out for any changes in your skin. If you notice any new asymmetrical spots that change shape, colour, or appearance, you should consult a doctor or medical professional right away for diagnosis and treatment.

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