Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a new disease caused by novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 infection. COVID-19 is a concern for everybody, but especially for pregnant women. Families expecting a baby may be anxious about how the novel coronavirus could affect their health and that of their unborn child. Since the virus is new, doctors have still not acquired enough information to know how it influences the health of pregnant women, fetuses, or newborns. Several official organizations, however, have issued recommendations to protect pregnant women and those with newborns during the COVID-19 pandemic. During the pandemic it is advisory to keep emergency helpline number handy, so in case of any emergency you can daily the ambulance number and the help can reach you immediately.
How does COVID-19 affect pregnant women?
Pregnant ladies or as of late pregnant ladies who are more established, overweight, and have prior ailments, for example, hypertension and diabetes appear to have an expanded danger of creating extreme COVID-19. A pregnant woman usually would be required to be treated in intensive care units in case she develops a severe disease, then a non-pregnant woman of reproductive age.
Changes in their bodies and invulnerable frameworks, pregnant ladies can be seriously impacted by respiratory diseases. They should avoid potential risk to secure themselves against COVID-19, and report potential side effects (counting fever, hack or trouble in breathing) to their medical care supplier.
Research findings published in September 2020 in the BMJ suggest that pregnant women with COVID-19 were also more likely to give birth prematurely. The discoveries likewise demonstrated that around 1 of every 4 of the multitude of infants brought into the world to ladies with COVID-19, were conceded to a neonatal unit. However, data on the causes of preterm births or indications for admission to neonatal units among these babies is lacking. Stillbirth and newborn death rates in such cases, fortunately, were low. The CDC and the World Health Organization (WHO) both recommend that women should take care to reduce their risk of getting sick during pregnancy due to this reason.
As indicated by the ACOG, pregnant ladies with suspected COVID-19 ought to get need testing.
These are disrupting times, and it is normal to feel anxious. Setting aside effort for taking care of oneself and exercises that calm pressure can have significant advantages for both the lady and the child. Emergency helpline number 102 is operated in different states in association with the State Government and National Health Mission. This emergency helpline number 102 pregnant women’s and infants are given free ambulance to transport for hospitalization, vaccination and etc.
What are the precautions to be taken during pregnancy to avoid COVID-19?
Pregnant ladies should play it safe to stay away from COVID-19 contamination as others. You can help protect yourself by:
- Make sure your hands are clean washed with soap and water or sanitized.
- Keeping space between yourself and others and avoiding crowded spaces. Wear a fabric and non-medical mask at places where it isn’t possible to maintain distance between others and yourself. Don’t touch your eyes, nose and mouth.
- Rehearsing respiratory cleanliness. This suggests covering your mouth and nose with your turned elbow or tissue when you hack or wheeze. And dispose the used tissue immediately.
If you have fever, hack or trouble breathing, look for clinical consideration early. Call prior to going to a wellbeing office and follow the bearings of your nearby wellbeing authority. Pregnant ladies and ladies who have as of late conveyed ought to go to their normal consideration arrangements, as indicated by nearby strategies and following adjusted measures to decrease conceivable transmission of the infection. Foremost keep ambulance number handy to avoid last minute rush.
How does COVID-19 affect the baby?
It is workable for babies to have COVID-19, and a few infants have tried positive for the SARS-CoV-2 infection not long after birth. Specialists couldn’t say whether they got the infection previously, during, or later conveyance. Until this point, research has not observed the infection in amniotic liquid when the lady has COVID-19. The infants may, in this manner, have gotten the infection later birth, however specialists are as yet uncertain. Much of the time, infants with COVID-19 have had gentle or no manifestations and made a full recuperation. However, there are additionally a couple of revealed instances of extreme sickness in babies.
In two or three cases, early birth and other pregnancy or birth issues have occurred in women with COVID-19.
Notwithstanding, specialists couldn’t say whether these issues were connected with the infection.
Considerations for giving birth
The CDC says that the most secure spot to conceive an offspring is under the management of prepared medical care staff, in any event, during the pandemic.
Ladies who presume that they have COVID-19 soon before their due date can contact their medical clinic ahead of time to look into their convention. Numerous clinics have separate doorways for individuals who have COVID-19.
Some hospitals are limiting the number of visitors, with the aim of protecting patients and staff from the virus. These approaches might influence who can go to ultrasound checks, go into the conveyance room, or be available during work. Notwithstanding, a few medical clinics have loosened up their limitations and presently don’t have these standards set up. Individuals can call the emergency clinic ahead of time to discover their present rules.
Many moms likewise question assuming it will benefit to go for a cesarean area. WHO counsel is that cesarean areas ought to possibly be performed when therapeutically supported. The method of birth ought to be individualized and in view of a mother’s inclinations close by obstetric signs.
Many companies provide free, 102 Ambulance Services and 108 Ambulance Services across India.
This ambulance services have a team of fully trained professionals, technicians and medical staff well versed with medical equipment on board of the Ambulance to introduce necessary medical help while the expecting mother is being shipped to the emergency clinic and back home later the conveyance. The administrations are accessible for nothing to guarantee simple, agreeable, and safe vehicle – regardless of whether for a customary immunization visit or a crisis.
What happens after you give birth?
Now and again, on the off chance that a pregnant lady has affirmed or suspected COVID-19, a specialist may suggest briefly isolating the mother and infant later conveyance to diminish the danger of the newborn catching the virus.
The CDC says that the mother and her healthcare team should decide together whether to take this precaution based on the level of risk and the mother’s wishes. The individuals who decide not to isolate from the child should avoid potential risk. These incorporate customary hand washing and wearing a fabric mask when inside 2 meters of the infant.
The WHO still encourages mothers with COVID-19 to hold and breastfeed their babies because this close connection is essential for newborns. They additionally urge moms to impart a space to their children. Be that as it may, you should follow severe security techniques.
The medical clinic staff will really focus on pregnant ladies with COVID-19 as per the strategies that the office has set up for others with COVID-19. These might include remaining in private rooms, away from others.
Does COVID-19 affect breastfeeding?
Perhaps the greatest inquiry that new moms with COVID-19 might have is whether they ought to breastfeed their infants. Mother milk has many advantages for babies — in addition to the fact that it is wealthy in supplements, however it is likewise an extraordinary wellspring of antibodies and chemicals that ensure infants from diseases and help them grow strong. Experts generally suggest that mothers should breastfeed as much as possible, but ones affected with COVID-19 might worry about passing the virus to the infant.
However, the CDC states that evidence suggests SARS-CoV-2 is not present in the breast milk of women with COVID-19. Notwithstanding this, moms with COVID-19 should play it safe to guarantee that they don’t send the infection to the child while breastfeeding. Mothers who plan to breastfeed should wear a face mask and disinfect their hands before touching the baby. If you plan to pump your breast milk, you should disinfect your hands and the pump before and after each use. Where conceivable, somebody who doesn’t have the infection ought to do the genuine taking care of.
Implications for Healthcare
It is vital that medical services suppliers know that pregnant ladies with COVID-19 and their infants might be bound to require expert consideration, and that ladies and their babies have access to this care. This is particularly true for pregnant women with COVID-19 alongside other comorbidities or risk factors.
Likewise, it is critical to push that whether or not a Mother has COVID-19, her right to a positive pregnancy and labor experience should be guaranteed.
It is likewise critical to perceive the expanded pressure and tension brought about by COVID-19 which might be especially felt by pregnant ladies, as of late pregnant ladies, and their accomplices, kids, and healthcare providers have a role in responding to pregnant women in an appropriate and compassionate way.
What safety measures can the corporations follow to ensure the health and well-being of their pregnant employees?
First and foremost, it is advisable to allow the pregnant women working in the company to completely work from home. Even if they are required to travel to the office, keep it only on selected days that they are required. To control the dangers of getting infected during the traveling time, it is better if you can arrange for the vehicle.
Once in office, arrange a separate desk and seating area for the pregnant women to ensure minimum human contact. Also, strictly follow all the other required safety measures recommended by the Government like wearing a mask, thermal checks, hand hygiene etc. at all times for the health and safety of all the employees. Ensure availability of sanitizers and hand washing stations at relevant places in your office premises.
It is imperative to also have Emergency Medical Services available at all times. Having the details of 102 and 108 Ambulance Services mentioned will help employees to call for professional medical support during an emergency. Keep the medical history of their pregnancy and contact details of the family members and doctors with the HR department for immediate action.
Lastly, it is a stressful time for all of us and more so for pregnant women and their families with a new life coming their way. Show your gratitude for all such ladies for being a part of the team. Being available to listen to their concerns and expressing that you care, even if it is just checking on how they are doing, can go a long way to reduce the stress and build a deeper love for their workplace and people.
You can dial 102 helpline number with operates under Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakram (JSSK) under which a pregnant women’s and infants are entitled to receive free ambulance service for and emergency.
Being careful from COVID-19: Precautions for Pregnant Ladies and New Moms | |
Pregnancy | Take care of yourself and your babyStay at home and avoid meeting outsiders.Wash your hands with soap and water.Prepare for the delivery and make arrangement to reach hospital. It’s more secure to convey in a clinic, in any event, during the COVID-19 pandemic.Always be alert on pregnancy related warning signs.Continue visiting your doctor or midwife for regular checkups.Immediately contact the doctor in case of symptoms like pain in abdomen, bleeding, watery discharge and severe headache.In case of an emergency, visit the nearest hospital. |
New Mother | Wash hands before and after touching and feeding your baby.Wash clothes and sterilize all utensils & articles that come in contact with you or your baby. |
Baby | Breastfeed within 1 hour of birth and continue. It protects your baby from infections.Keep your baby close to you. Practice skin-to-skin contact (Kangaroo care) for little or preterm newborn. |
COVID – Positive Mother | Wear a medical mask while breastfeeding the baby.Clean up with cleanser and water or use hand sanitizer prior coming in contact with baby. Routine clean and disinfect surfaces around you.Keep at least 1-meter distance from others. |
Author Bio:
Jones Smith is a Healthcare Blogger and with a knack for the ambulance services in India, he loves to write the latest updates or reviews and share his knowledge with the readers.