It is recommended that every woman make the first visit to the best gynecologist in Jaipur when the first period appears. Later, when you start having sexual intercourse, it is recommended that you do a complete check-up with ultrasound and cytology at least once a year, even if you do not notice any discomfort.
Many women find it uncomfortable to go to the gynecologist. Sometimes it is because they have had bad experiences with distant professionals or made them feel judged or questioned. However, your gynecological visit cannot be a bad time that you have to spend every year, but rather a pleasant time with a professional who inspires confidence cares about your problems, and tries to solve them. It should also inform, advise, help, make you feel comfortable and safe, convince you that you receive the best medical care.

Your Current Gynecologist is the Right One if:
• She consults you without haste, giving you time to feel comfortable.
• It is delicate and comprehensive in intimate exploration.
• In case you call him for a gynecological emergency, she makes a hole for you and receives you on the same day.
• She sees your sexual preferences naturally, and you feel that she does not judge you for your orientation or sexual practices.
• She treats you with absolute respect: she clearly explains how and why she checks you or why she asks about one topic or another.
• She is open on sexual issues: she touches them with absolute naturalness.
• It manages to convey confidence: you realize because you feel comfortable despite what the review implies.
• It solves your problems and gives you alternatives to improve your quality of life.
• She solves all your questions: she is clear and direct; she leaves you with no doubts.
• She doesn’t judge you for your actions or try to make you feel guilty.
What You Have to Value
In the list below, in my opinion, you should be taken into account to choose a gynecologist or to change it if it does not meet the criteria that you consider most important.
1. Male or Female?
This is the first thing you should assess since it will make you more or less comfortable and make you feel better telling him your things. Before you decide, consider who you would be more relaxed with when discussing your concerns.
2. Make Sure Who the Gynecologist is Going to Consult You.
You are looking for a personalized consultation and not are seen by a gynecologist once, and the following month by the one they have available. Therefore, look for a specific best gynecologist in Jaipurand not a center with many gynecologists. You must be the one who chooses the professional and do not let them assign you to someone you have not chosen.
3. Facilities
The clinic must meet the quality and hygiene requirements necessary for your well-being. Equipment in good condition, sterilized material, adequate personal hygiene of the doctor and his assistants, and the most modern technology for your review. Look at the website of the doctors you are evaluating; surely, there are images of the clinic that can help you.
4. Recommendations
Your mother, friends, or relatives will know best gynecologist in Jaipur, so asking them for their impressions when they went for a consultation will serve as an orientation to know if the right professional fits you. Currently, many doctors have their social networks to be closer to their patients, or there are even directory-type portals where you can consult with the doctors found there. Probably doing a quick search on Google, you will find some references to them, giving you a guide to the services they offer.
5. Training and Experience
The years of experience in which hospitals you work or have worked and your training are important references when making your choice.
6. Consultation Hours
This point is important in many cases. Perhaps you are a woman with little time or work schedules, child care, etc., limiting you. The schedule will condition you on this visit or future ones. Therefore, having a wide consultation schedule will give you many facilities.
7. That’s Attend Emergencies on the Same Day in His Private Clinic
That she attends to his patients’ emergencies during the day implies her concern for giving them the best service, and that gives us a very important clue of the professional you will find.Sometimes you have a problem that worries us, a discomfort or intense itching, and you don’t want to wait a week for your gynecologist to see us or go to another stranger. Therefore, the one you choose must offer this service.
8. Other Specialties of the Best Gynecologist in Jaipur
This point is important since sometimes the gynecologist detects problems in the patient that are not his specialty, and in this way, both specialists can carry out a consensual treatment. Having in the same center complementary specialties of gynecology, such as endocrinology, urology, dermatology, sexology, or rheumatology, is very convenient. You should assess whether you can do without these characteristics, but you should not give up anything in something as important as health.