Weight management is critical to your health. When a person is overweight or obese, they increase their chance of developing medical problems such as heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure (hypertension), and diabetes. Weight loss is frequently possible with a good diet and exercise. In some circumstances, weight loss surgery is employed, but these procedures also require you to change your lifestyle to maintain weight loss.
What is weight management?
The word “weight control” refers to the process of achieving and maintaining healthy body weight. Maintaining healthy body weight is subjective and might mean different things to different people. Historically, this weight was calculated using the body mass index (BMI). Your BMI calculates your ideal weight range based on your height and weight. This figure varies, but traditionally, if your BMI is greater than 30, you are deemed obese.
Additionally, your waistline can be an indication of obesity. Healthy waist measurement for a woman should be less than 35 inches. It should be less than 40 inches for a male. This is referred to as your waist circumference.
It’s also beneficial to describe body contours while discussing waist circumference. Individuals have a variety of body forms. Some are hourglass-shaped, with similar-sized shoulders and hips but a smaller waist. Some are pear-shaped, having smaller full measures and more extensive bottom measurements. If you have an apple-shaped body — often referred to as a ‘potbelly, “spare tire,’ or ‘muffin-top,’ — you have a higher concentration of fat in and around your abdominal organs. Having much abdominal fat increases your chance of developing various significant medical disorders associated with obesity.
What is the distinction between overweight and obesity?
Both phrases refer to an excess of body fat, but they refer to two distinct levels of the same phenomenon. Being overweight entails having some excess fat. While you are heavy compared to your desired weight, you do not have nearly as much body fat as those in the following category — obesity. Obesity is defined as having an abnormally high level of body fat. This is often determined at an appointment with your primary care provider. Consult your physician about the distinctions between overweight and obesity and the implications for your body type.
Why is obesity a problem?
Obesity occurs when your daily calorie intake exceeds your daily energy expenditure. Consider the food you consume as fuel. This fuel is intended to provide you with energy, and as you move throughout the day, you burn it off. However, if you consume excessive gasoline, it is not burned off. This simply sits in your body, doing nothing.
There are numerous reasons for weight gain, and frequently more than one at a time. Several variables can contribute to weight control problems, including the following:
Environmental factors:
Your weight can be affected by your lifestyle activities, such as what you eat and how active you are on an average day.
Psychological factors:
Eating is associated with emotions. We eat to commemorate a happy occasion and to lament a sad one. Food’s emotional component can result in behaviors such as eating in response to depression, anxiety, boredom, or binge eating. Binge eating occurs when you consume an enormous amount of food in a short period.
Factors genetic and environmental:
Obesity can run in families. This indicates that you may be at greater risk if you have overweight or obese family members. Whether this is due to your genetic coding or inherited lifestyle patterns (diet and exercise). However, many persons who have overweight family members are not themselves overweight.
Medical conditions:
Occasionally, a medical condition or medicine can slow down your metabolism (capacity to convert calories to energy), resulting in obesity. Weight gain is a side effect of some medications, including antidepressants. Medical conditions may include the following:
- Hypothyroidism.
- Cushing’s disease.
- Depression.
- Certain neurological conditions.
Can being overweight result in future medical problems?
Over time, your weight can have a significant impact on your health. Obesity is associated with several health concerns, including the following:
- Cardiovascular disease and stroke.
- Hypertension (hypertension).
- Diabetes.
- Certain types of cancer.
- Gallbladder and gallstones problems.
- Osteoarthritis.
- Gout.
- Breathing difficulties, such as obstructive sleep apnea (when you stop breathing for a short time during sleep).
By and significant, the fatter a somebody is, the greater their risk of acquiring a medical issue. A person who is 40% overweight is twice as likely to die prematurely as someone who is average weight. This often occurs over the years with increased weight (10 to 30 years). Losing weight can significantly impact your health, both now and in the long run.
Many obesity-specialist physicians believe that individuals who are less than 20% overweight should attempt to lose weight if they have any of the following risk factors:
- There is a family history of certain chronic diseases, such as heart disease or diabetes.
- An antecedent medical condition: High blood pressure (hypertension), elevated cholesterol, and elevated blood sugar levels are warning indications of some obesity-related disorders.
- Having an apple-shaped body shape: If you carry excess weight around your belly, you may be at a greater risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, or cancer than pear-shaped people of the same weight.
- The good news is that even a 10- to 20-pound weight loss can result in significant health benefits, such as lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
You are making preparations in advance. Plan your meals for the week, develop a grocery list, and stock your kitchen and pantry with healthy foods while avoiding less healthy options.