COVID-19 is a contagious disease that causes the severe acute respiratory syndrome. The first known case of COVID-19 was in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. Since then, the disease has spread around the world, culminating in an ongoing pandemic.
COVID-19 Symptoms
COVID-19 symptoms are diverse and might range from minor to severe illness. Symptoms of COVID-19 include headaches, loss of smell and taste, runny nose, cough, muscle aches, sore throat, fever, diarrhea, and breathing difficulties. People who have the same illness can have a wide range of symptoms, altering over time.
There are three frequent symptom clusters to be aware of:
- cough, sputum, shortness of breath, and fever are all part of one respiratory symptom cluster.
- The second is the musculoskeletal symptom cluster, which includes muscle and joint pain, headaches, and fatigue.
- The third group of symptoms includes abdominal pain, vomiting, and diarrhea.
COVID-19 is associated with loss of taste and smell in persons who have had ear, nose, or throat problems. Moreover, 88 percent of cases show such symptoms.
Symptoms might appear somewhere between one to fourteen days after already getting exposed to the virus. At least one-third of those who are affected do not show any signs or symptoms. About 81% of people acquire symptoms noticeable enough to be classified as mild to moderate symptoms. At the same time, 14% show severe symptoms, and 5% experience acute symptoms.
Severe symptoms are more likely to emerge in the elderly. Some persons continue to have a variety of symptoms months after recovery. Moreover, organ damage has been reported in such patients as well. It is why Long-term research is in progress to learn more about the disease’s long-term impact.
Transmission of COVID-19
The disease of COVID-19 transfers from one person to another through the respiratory route when one person inhales the droplets and tiny airborne particles that infected persons exhale while they breathe, talk, cough, sneeze, or sing. When infected people are physically close, they are more likely to transfer COVID-19. The virus, on the other hand, can spread across long distances, especially indoors.
Another thing to know is that infectivity can emerge 1-3 days before symptoms appear in the infected person. Even if the infected people are asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic, they can spread the disease. The peak viral load in upper respiratory tract samples usually comes shortly after symptoms and subsequently declines during the first week.
Only 10 to 20% of persons are responsible for the disease’s propagation. Therefore, the number of people infected by one infected person fluctuates. COVID-19 spreads in clusters, with infections linked to an index case or a specific geographic place. In many of these cases, superspreading episodes occur, in which a single individual infects a large number of people.
Diagnosis of COVID-19
Nucleic acid tests, which identify the presence of viral RNA fragments, are the standard methods for detecting the presence of COVID-19. The ability of these tests to assess the duration of infectivity of patients is restricted because they detect RNA but not an infectious virus.
Doctors usually perform these tests on respiratory samples acquired using a nasopharyngeal swab. However, the doctors can also perform these tests on a nasal swab or a sputum sample. The results are typically ready in a matter of hours. You can achieve this test at home and can send the swab to the laboratory for testing. One benefit of this test is that you can track covid test results online.
Other Options of COVID-19 Testing
The FDA has approved the home saliva test. To get it, you’ll need a doctor’s prescription. It’s not a quick test because you have to spit into a vial and mail it to a lab. If you don’t want to take the test yourself, a medical professional may be able to test you based on your symptoms, risk factors, and whether or not you’ve been exposed to the virus. If you believe you should be tested, follow these steps:
- Inform your doctor, clinic, or hospital that you believe you have COVID-19 symptoms.
- Inform them if you are over the age of 60 or have a medical condition such as diabetes, heart disease, or cancer.
- Discuss your symptoms and the possibility of your exposure to the virus.
Your doctor or hospital will determine what you should do next. If you want to avoid spreading the disease, you could visit a clinic, go to a drive-through test place, or stay home away from other people.
Vaccination of COVID-19
COVID-19 vaccinations are safe and effective in preventing people from becoming seriously ill or dying. In addition to remaining at least six feet away from others, covering your face while coughing or sneezing through the elbow or tissue, sanitizing your hands, and wearing a mask are essential to avoid COVID-19. Moreover, avoiding poorly ventilated rooms or opening windows while sitting in a gathering are also practical elements of treating COVID-19. The World Health Organization determined the following vaccines against COVID-19. These vaccinations have met the relevant safety and effectiveness requirements as of November 15, 2021:
- Pfizer
- Sinovac
- Johnson and Johnson
- Moderna
- Sinopharm
- AstraZeneca
Other Preventive Measures
Other preventive strategies include:
- Physical or social separation
- Quarantining
- Proper ventilation of indoor spaces
- Covering your face while coughing and sneezes using an elbow or tissue
- Washing hands
- Keeping dirty and unwashed hands away from the face.
Moreover, in public places, face masks or coverings are necessary to reduce the risk of transmission. While medications to suppress the virus are available on the market, the primary treatment is symptomatic. Treatment of symptoms, supportive care, isolation, and experimental approaches are all part of the management process of COVID-19.
Bottom Line
COVID-19 is a viral disease that we can only avoid by taking preventive measures. However, knowing the symptoms and ways to diagnose them is necessary to avoid contacting it. Moreover, getting a vaccination is also essential whether you stay inside the house or go out and travel the world.