Meaning of Sukhasana
Sukha in Sukhasana means rest, joy, happiness, and selection. Doing this asana brings peace to the mind and removes anxiety. That is why this asana is called Sukhasana. In English, these are known as easy poses.
This asana can be practiced before or after any yoga or pranayama as it relieves physical and mental stress and anxiety by doing the asana.
What are Sukhasanas?
Sukhasana is a Sanskrit word. It is made up of two words: happiness + posture. The meaning of happiness is simple and giving pleasure, and the state of being in the same state is called asana. This asana is considered the most suitable for meditation.
If you want to start yoga then this asana is the simplest asana for that situation and anyone can easily start yoga by learning this asana.
Yoga asana is also helpful for you to awaken your chakra and kundalini because we practice this yoga since childhood and by doing this asana you can focus very easily and it also increases your concentration power.
Sukhasana yoga is considered to be a simple and calm and happy posture in the Ashtanga described yoga. This asana gives you a sense of bliss and it makes your body healthy.
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Method –
People of any age can easily do this asana:
- To do Sukhasana, sit in the position of Dandasana in a clean and open environment.
- Straighten the waist and neck.
- First of all, bend the knee of the left leg and place the claw under the thigh of the right leg.
- Then bend the knee of the right leg and place the left leg under the thigh.
- Place both the hands in Gyan Mudra or China Mudra and place them on the knees.
- Make the waist, back, neck, and head in a straight line.
- Keep breathing in and out normally.
- Close the eyes, calm the mind, and focus.
- Continuous practice of Sukhasana helps to relieve stress and anxiety.
- This posture is considered beneficial in keeping the reed bone straight.
- This asana helps in controlling the restlessness of the mind.
- It is most beneficial in reducing anger.
- By practicing this asana, concentration increases.
- If there is any kind of severe pain or injury in the knee, then do not want to do this asana.
- If there is any kind of severe pain in the back, then do not do this asana.
When not to do Sukhasan –
- While doing Sukhasana, keep in mind that if you have any of the problems given below, then do not do Sukhasana yoga. When you get the practice of this asana then you can easily do it.
- Keep in mind that even if there is swelling in your hips or someone’s hips are hurt, do not do this asana.
- Even if someone has a slip disc problem, this asana should not be done.
- If any pregnant women want to do this asana, then they should first consult their doctor or experts. This asana should be done only if the doctor advises to do asanas.
- If you have trouble sitting on the ground, then sit on the wall with the support of a cushion or pillow to sit.
Virabhadrasana – Method, and Benefits of doing it
Meaning of Virabhadrasana
In Virabhadrasana, the word Veerabhadra is the name of a part or incarnation of Lord Shiva, which is derived from the hair of Mahadev. That is why this posture is called Virabhadrasana. Known as Warrior Pose in English.
Do you feel weakness in your legs? Or have your knees become weak? This article is for you.
By doing this asana, it helps in strengthening the toes, knees, thighs, and pelvis, not only this, physical and mental balance is also maintained by the practice of this asana.
Method –
- To do Virabhadrasana, stand in a careful posture in a clean environment.
- Step the right foot forward 3 to 4 feet.
- Straighten the neck, back, arms and knees.
- Concentrating, inhaling, and exhaling normally.
- Now bend the knee of your right leg 90 degrees and keep the left knee straight.
- Raise the hands straight up from the side and greet with both hands up.
- Straighten your neck in the front or you can do it like the sky above.
- Keep the body still and keep breathing in and out.
- After being stable for some time, slowly come back to the first hands and then the feet again in a careful posture.
- Repeat this asana with the left leg.
- Some difficulties may have to be faced when doing this asana for the first time, but after practicing this asana, it can be done easily.
- Virabhadrasana can initially be done by immobilizing the body for 10 to 15 seconds. After practicing this, the time limit can be increased to 1 minute.
Benefit –
- The practice of this asana helps in maintaining physical and mental balance.
- By doing this asana, the knees get the most benefit, due to which the knees remain
- strong and also strengthens the legs, shoulders.
- Thigh fat can be reduced by this asana.
- Makes the reed bone strong and flexible.
- This asana is beneficial in reducing obesity.
- Stretches the hips, thighs, knees, and toes.
Precautions –
- If you have problems with spinal pain, then you must consult a doctor before doing this asana.
- If you have back pain problems then you should not do this asana.
- If you have shoulder pain, raise your hands and keep them parallel to each other instead of over your head.
- Pregnant women will benefit from doing this asana regularly, especially if they are in their second and third trimesters.
- If you are suffering from knee pain or have arthritis, you can use wall supports to perform this asana.