Fitness enthusiasts everywhere have had to revamp their entire exercise routine as a result of the ongoing COVID-19 health crisis. With so many gyms forced to shut their doors in order to mitigate the spread of the virus, people are left scrambling to find alternatives for their daily sweat sessions. The good news is that there are loads of options available to you if you are willing to think outside of the box. Here are four ways that you can get fit and healthy without even stepping foot into a gym.
Harness the Power of Technology
Now more than ever, it is easy and convenient to work out in your own home using the power of technology. As so many fitness providers have been forced to shift to an online model of delivery, there have been an exponentially increasing amount of virtual workout options for you to try at home.
You can choose to sign up for a premium subscription for more personalized content or you can try one of the many free options out there. You may want to experiment with a few different online workout platforms to find the best fit for your skill level and personal interests. It will not take long before you appreciate how easy it is to fire up your device and exercise at home.
Look Into Alternative Options
Now is the perfect time to look into alternative options for fitness. Rather than crowding into a stuffy gym with others, consider hiring a personal trainer to work with you individually. This creative option will make it easier to fit a workout into your own time constraints while also delivering a personalized experience.
For example, personal training in Portland services will come to your home through a virtual format, meet you outside, or wherever it is convenient for you to fit in a workout. You will have no excuse to skip a workout when you have a personal trainer available to offer you professional advice and loads of encouragement.
Build a Home Gym
It may be easier than you think to assemble a home gym. Most people shy away from this endeavor thinking that it will be cost-prohibitive. However, there are very few things that you need to turn your garage or spare room into your own gym.
Start this design with a good set of free weights and resistance bands. A yoga mat will give you a place to stretch and do core work. Other vital pieces of equipment to consider in your home gym include a workout bench, an exercise ball, a medicine ball, and a pull-up bar. A simple jump rope will provide a great cardiovascular workout.
Build Exercise Into Your Daily Routine
When it comes to getting in your daily exercise, every little bit helps. You will be surprised at how quickly your steps add up throughout the day if you are intentional about moving as much as possible. For example, when running errands, be purposeful about parking at the back of the lot so that you are forced to walk more. You can also always take the steps instead of the elevator when possible. Even something as mundane as housework can get your heart rate up if you work at it.
Buying a step counter or a fitness watch will make it easier to track your progress each day. This will also motivate you to keep at it. You can make it a game by trying to incorporate more activity than the day before.
Do not despair if cannot get to the gym. With all of these ideas, it will be easy to get in shape and stay there.