Psychologist, Psychiatrist and Psychoanalyst: know the role of each one

When we have a stomach ache, we go to the gastroenterologist; if the pain is in the chest, we go to the cardiologist; if we have any discomfort in the eyes, then, the search is for the ophthalmologist, but, and when we have a pain that hurts it is not known exactly where, that leaves the confused thoughts and the altered feelings, who to turn to?

When faced with problems that affect the emotional side, we always seek the type of professional most suitable for healing. It is at this time that, in the case of ills related to the brain and the unconscious, the search for the appropriate professional ends up getting a little confused.

Among the professionals in this area, we have psychologists, psychiatrists and psychoanalysts. The roles assigned to each of these professionals can be confusing – so it is important to know what the area of ​​each one of them is, so that you can find out which one is the most suitable for what you need.

In this article, we’ll cover the differences between these professionals and what each one can help you with. Come on?

The psychologist

For the subjectivity subject previously exposed, the psychologist’s performance is very confused with mysticism, transcendentalism, religious practices or the idea of ​​a ‘simple conversation’ with someone. Not to mention the popular idea that a psychologist is ‘for those who are crazy’.

Trained in the Psychology course, this professional is indicated to treat behavior problems or psychological disorders in a wide range of patients. The psychologist has psychotherapy and psychological guidance as treatment tools.

The psychologist is the ideal professional both in cases of occasional crises – such as the loss of a job, the end of a difficult relationship to overcome, problems with anxiety or depression, traumas, stress crises, grief, among others, both in work parallel to the of the psychiatrist in the treatment of mental disorders.

Each of these treatments can be, depending on each case, performed only with the psychologist or, together, with other professionals. We must emphasize that the most striking difference between these professionals is their training.

In the case of the Psychologist, the training takes place through a higher-level course in the Humanities area, sub-area Psychology, lasting 5 (five) years, which is further divided into clinical emphasis (office work) and organizational emphasis (work in institutions, such as Psychology clinics, public and private schools, hospitals, companies, industries, Sports clubs, etc.).

After completing the course, lasting 5 (five) years, it is still possible and recommended that the professional seek specialization in some even more specific area such as Forensic, Labor, Hospital, Sports Psychology, etc.

In addition, you need to be qualified by the Regional Council of Psychology (CRP) to have your work legalized.

As for the object of his work, the Psychologist works in the study of the human mind and its functioning – healthy and pathological – as well as in the analysis of behavior.

That is, the psychologist works in the study of the human mind, identifying problems related to behavior.

It aims to solve these problems, making use of the development of observation, analysis and comparison capacity, of emotional balance, striving for communication and accessible expression, so that the patient can acquire quality in family and social relationships in general, in favor of a better life.

It can be said that another difference between the Psychologist and the other professionals in the psychic area are the tools or strategies of treatment, being certain that the main one is the psychotherapy.

The Psychologist also acts with guidance and counseling, which are modalities of psychological interventions.

The objectives are to develop psychic means and resources so that the individual can interact with the world in the healthiest way possible, contributing to the reestablishment of psychic functioning when necessary, by facilitating the subject’s understanding of the evil that affects him, so that can deal with his interpersonal difficulties and existential issues himself.

Technically, Psychology refers to a field of the humanities, while psychotherapy refers to the knowledge developed by this science and its applicability.

It is worth mentioning that there are several types, forms and methods of psychotherapies whose qualities define the different schools of thought in Psychology.

In summary, when it comes to health care, it is recommended by national and international regulatory bodies on the subject that there be a multidisciplinary work, encompassing several specialties, to meet a specific diagnosis.

Therefore, it is indifferent to look for a Psychiatrist, Psychologist or Psychoanalyst, as it is assumed that the treatment of any mental disorder described in the DSM or the ICD is treated in a multidisciplinary way.

The main issue is to adapt our need to the appropriate professional, considering the factors raised throughout the text about the specificities and actions of each person, in the physical, mental, or personal area.

The psychiatrist

The psychiatrist is a professional graduated in Medicine with a specialization in Psychiatry. Qualified to deal with mental problems, it is up to the psychiatrist to decide to continue the appropriate treatment to the patient who will seek him, including, if necessary, this professional can prescribe the use of drugs that interfere with the functioning of the brain through its substances.

Therefore, the psychiatrist is the one who, in addition to the knowledge of general medicine, holds the title of specialist doctor in psychiatry, for which 9 (nine) years of theoretical and practical studies in the mental health area are necessary.

Psychiatry works on the side of the disease itself, looking for solutions that can be through medication, psychotherapy and even helping to change some habits that can solve simple problems in certain cases. The professional in this area is indicated in cases of diseases such as Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), depression, bipolar, anxiety, substance abuse, personality disorders, among others pathologies that cannot initially appear, but are linked to the mental area.

The psychiatrist can work together with the psychologist and the psychotherapist – whatever the severity of the problem. Referral to the psychiatrist can happen at the patient’s own will, or at the recommendation of the psychologist or psychoanalyst.

The Psychiatrist deals with mental suffering of an organic or functional nature for the purposes of prevention, treatment or rehabilitation of the subject affected by more or less severe psychological manifestations.

The main distinction that is made between the Psychologist and the Psychiatrist is the qualification of the latter for the prescription of drug treatment, since psychiatry works on the side of the disease itself, seeking solutions that can be through drugs, psychotherapy and even help in changing some habits that can solve simple problems in certain cases.

The Psychiatrist’s job is to alleviate suffering and promote psychological well-being.

To do so, they work through the complete assessment of the subject, under the biopsychosocial aspect – which involves the examination of the mental and clinical history, tests and various tests, clinical and/or laboratory – for the purpose of diagnosis, for later application of the appropriate therapeutic practice, either through drugs themselves or through different therapies, which includes psychotherapy.

The psychoanalyst

Trained in psychoanalysis, the psychoanalyst has the function of balancing and making clearer the relationship between the patient’s inner “I” with his internal questions and with the problems of the world.

This theoretical line can also be used by psychologists and psychiatrists and each professional can use it according to the limits of the science studied in their training.

Based on the studies of the Austrian physician Sigmund Freud, psychoanalysis seeks self – knowledge – in order to, from then on, be able to answer and deal with the questions and facts of the world around him.

The Psychoanalyst’s differential is in his primary work resource: the interpretation of the contents of the unconscious as well as its effects on the individual’s actions, words and thoughts, which is done by the management of two main tools: speech and listening.

The Psychoanalyst, unlike the Psychologist and Psychiatrist, does not have the function of diagnosing or treating any disease, prescribing any type of medication, or even making any kind of guidance or referral. Except in cases where this professional, in addition to training in Psychoanalysis, has qualifications in some area of ​​health.

The search for this type of professional usually comes from people who question human behavior through social pressures, at work and in relationships – and seek to better understand themselves so that, thus, they can understand how to deal with the frustrations of a person. world that does not give all the answers they expect.

Understanding what each professional linked to mental health has as a function is essential to start the search for the improvement of your problem. And always remember that problems related to mental and emotional order should not be a cause for shame!

It is always advisable to look for a professional to improve the quality of life and the way of seeing yourself and others – whether through a psychologist, psychiatrist or psychoanalyst.

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