Psychopath VS. Bipolar Disorder: What’s The Difference?

We can link bipolar disorder with severe stress. As they both show symptoms of behavioral manifestations and cognitive and functional impairment. 

A personality disorder is a specific mental disease. It usually mixes symptoms such as grandiosity, reckless conduct, and poor insight. And some other symptoms; among others, comorbidity with psychopathy warrants special attention.

What is a Psychopath?

We define a person who is cruel, unemotional, and perverted as a “psychopath.” Yet, it is not an authentic way to an established mental health diagnosis. The phrase refers to a professional and legal setting.

As we know that there is no obvious method to diagnose psychopathy. Symptoms are quite like those we observe in other antisocial personality disorders. We can diagnose it exactly when a person disobeys laws or show abnormal behavior. Psychopaths make up a small percentage of people with an antisocial personality disorder.

This includes the disorders of Antisocial, Borderline, Histrionic, and Narcissistic Personality Disorders. Psychopathy is not a part of this category. It is more of a loose term that defines a particular set of manipulative personality traits.


A borderline personality finds it difficult to control his feelings and thoughts. He manages his feelings in an impulsive and reckless way. Impulsive and reckless behavior. Here are the condition’s main symptoms:

  • Frantic efforts to avoid feeling abandoned
  • History of unstable, intense relationships
  • Tendency to view people and situations as either “all good” or “all bad”
  • Poor self-image
  • Impulsiveness (spending, sex, substance abuse, etc.)
  • Self-harm (e.g., cutting) or suicidal behavior
  • Feelings of emptiness
  • Problems managing anger and unpleasant emotions
  • Paranoia
  • Mood swings with anger and depression

Are Psychopaths Narcissist?

A report by the Scientific Study of Psychopathy defines narcissism. They regard it as an interpersonal kind of psychopath. It is easy to identify the symptoms of narcissism like:

  • grandiosity
  • exploitive behavior
  • a lack of empathy in psychopaths. 

It is easy to fit a psychopath with the symptoms of a narcissistic personality disorder. Thus, psychopaths are narcissists.

Bipolar Disorder

Mania and sadness are symptoms of bipolar illness. A sense of self-importance and grandiosity are common symptoms of a manic episode. These characteristics are also present in narcissistic disorder.

The bipolar condition does not cause narcissism. Bipolar disorder patients do not suffer from narcissistic personality disorder. 

We divide bipolar disorder into various categories. These are some of them:

These are some of them: The following symptoms define bipolar I disorder:

  • A person diagnosed with this kind must have had at least one manic episode
  • A hypomanic or severe depressive episode with a detachment from reality (psychosis).

Bipolar II Disorder

These patients usually go through severe depressive episodes and hypomanic episodes. There has never been a manic episode in their lives. 

Cyclothymic Disorder

In two year period, this condition can show symptoms of hypomania and depression. these symptoms usually appear within one year in young people. These are milder than those associated with serious depression.

Narcissism and Bipolar Disorder: What is the Connection?

Several mental health professionals discovered a few similarities in bipolar disorder and narcissism. Setting lofty, impossible ambitions and acting are two examples. As a result, they link bipolar disorder with a narcissistic personality disorder.

But, there is disagreement on how much the conditions overlap and whether they occur. Most of the experts agree that both disorders occur. Yet patients with bipolar disorder may exhibit narcissistic personality features.


It is necessary for a doctor to be sure about the exact symptoms of bipolar disorder. He should not diagnose it as some other illness.

They’ll inquire about your symptoms and do a physical examination. You can also go through some conduct tests to rule out a physical health issue. It will help to establish a diagnosis based on DSM-5 criteria.

Patients with narcissistic personality disorder are generally unaware of their problem. So they do not seek help. When people with bipolar disorder are manic, they don’t always seek medical care. But when they go through depression they look for medical help.


Bipolar disease and narcissistic personality disorder have distinct therapies. Because they do not recognize the need for change, people with this disease are less likely to seek therapy.

1. Narcissistic Personality Disorder

These people generally suffer from underlying depression or anxiety. In this situation, a doctor can give medication or suggest counseling. 

A doctor can offer counseling or psychotherapy for specific personality disorder symptoms. These approaches can benefit those who have been through trauma.

2. Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is a chronic condition, and there is no cure, but it is treatable. Many people learn to manage their symptoms and function well.

Doctors may recommend the following treatments.


  • Mood stabilizers, such as lithium,
  • Therapy and lifestyle adjustments.


It’s not always workable to alter one’s personality. So, psychotherapy can assist persons with both disorders in regulating their narcissistic traits. It’s important to get treatment if you need it since it can enhance your quality of life. For further information, see the best psychiatrist.


1. What are the psychotic features of bipolar?

Symptoms of psychosis in bipolar disorder are: 

2. Do bipolar people’s eyes change color?

So-called bipolar eyes might include dilated pupils. “Sparkling” eyes, or eyes that appear more liquid than usual. Eyes that change color or become black.

3. Does bipolar change your personality?

Neuroticism, extraversion, and disinhibition were stronger in bipolar disorder patients than in controls. But, there were no discernible differences between bipolar I and II disorder.