Looking For An Orthopedic EMR? Here’s How To Find One

When adopting or switching to a new orthopedic EMR solution, it is important for you to follow a well-defined plan, because the product you opt for will affect everything from your workflow efficiency to your bottom line. Since orthopedic specialists cannot manage their tasks with a non-ortho EMR, we have decided to help them by laying out a framework of software aspects that can make everything easier to manage – so you can spend fewer hours on the administrative tasks and more time focusing on patient care. 

What to look for when finding the best orthopedic EHR?

1. A unified suite with practice management

Connecting EHR and Practice Management systems separately via software bridges can cause you an arm and a leg. For most orthopedic specialists, the right option can be a health recording software that provides an all-inclusive solution for your entire healthcare facility. If you use EHR and Practice Management software from the same vendor, you can help your orthopedic practice bring the front and back offices together while improving patient care and revenue collections. Look for an EMR system that gives your clinical staff easy access to what they require for completing tasks efficiently, delivering high quality patient care, and collecting payments on time. 

2. Flexible, customizable EHR workflow

Most orthopedic specialists believe that the right EMR software gives them enough room for customization. Rather than changing the way you do things at your practice, it should adapt to your unique workflows and requirements. You should be after an intuitive interface that is easy to use and navigate for people in all departments. The right software for your orthopedic practice can help staff perform their jobs better instead of getting in the way.  

3. Robust patient engagement tools

While you are on the hunt for the right orthopedic software for your facility, you should keep in mind that the software you choose is capable of making it easier for your patients to access their health records and stay in touch with their providers. Look for an orthopedic patient portal that can increase the possibilities of top-notch experiences for your patients. It should enable your patients to view and update their medical records, access lab results, request prescription refills, and get education material on disease processes. 

4. iPad mobility 

As an orthopedic specialist, you don’t want to just sit at a computer typing for hours. Your patients deserve your attention – so opt for a touch-based EHR system that is designed for both desktops and iPads. This way you will not have to turn your back, and you will be able to move around and engage with your patients freely. You can also evaluate this functionality during an orthopedic EMR demo for the product you choose to consider. 

5. Drawing tools & body diagrams

Your orthopedic EMR system should include drawing tools and body diagrams. Look for the software that offers built-in drawing tools to illustrate surgical interventions like showing where the fracture is located and the position where the rod will be inserted. 

6. Customizable orthopedic-specific templates

Most EMR vendors understand the fact that not all healthcare specialties are alike. There may be a lot of similarities shared by orthopedic EMR software you choose to consider, but the key is to be able to customize whatever system you decide to pick. Therefore, your orthopedic software solution must support a number of pre-designed templates, including ones tailored for back pain, knee procedures, shoulder procedures, hip procedures, etc. 

7. Electronic prescription of the controlled substances

Electronic prescriptions of the controlled are a must-have feature for your orthopedic EMR. As you will always be prescribing your patients addictive painkillers for either acute or chronic pain, your health recording solution should include this feature to automate the entire process of writing and sending prescriptions to the pharmacies preferred by your patients. This also makes sure you get the work done a lot more easily and efficiently. 

Top orthopedic Software you should consider

We have shortlisted a few of the best in the race of orthopedic software solutions that help users boost efficiency and make them at ease. Based on top orthopedic EMR reviews for these products, we gather they offer customizable templates, billing portal, patient portal, tools to stimulate workflow, flexibility in the management of daily tasks, and the facility of quality measurement and benchmarking. 


DrChrono is one of the top EMR vendors we have on the market. Tried and tested by orthopedic specialists, this platform is a reliable EMR solution that provides comprehensive features and supports multiple devices, including tablets, iPads, and smartphones. 


athenahealth is a leading software provider that offers comprehensive health recording solutions for medical facilities. This system is completely customized for orthopedic facilities and lets them manage their daily workflows efficiently. It comes with a homepage feature that can help specialists review patient information, manage orders, and view incoming lab results. 


AdvancedMD offers an all-in-one EHR and Practice Management solution for specialists working in orthopedic facilities. The software is known all over the US for its secure access, speed, and customer support. It offers robust features to help your orthopedic practice keep on being competitive. 

What to expect from your orthopedic EHR implementation?

Here’s what you should expect from your orthopedic EMR implementation:

  • It should permit patient care harmonization. 
  • It must upgrade patient affiance.
  • It should be able to reinforce health data exchange. 
  • It must include tools to rationalize workflows. 

Final thoughts

It is quite understandable that selecting the most appropriate orthopedic EMR software involves a lot more than just the clinical documentation side. Basically, it requires you to think strategically how your software choice can influence all aspects of your facility. The only way to ensure that you are building your organization’s ecosystem on a strong foundation is by considering the whole picture and laying out a clear blueprint for what you actually want. 

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