The infusion of good cells to restore the damaged blood cells is known as bone marrow transplantation. Individuals with diseased or injured stem cells or leukemia, this is the most appropriate cure.
The spongy tissue present in certain bones is known as bone marrow. It is in charge of red blood cell formation. Throughout a person’s life, the stem cells continue to create various blood cells.
What is the total cost of bone marrow?
A stem cell transplant is a complex medical treatment that can be carried out in 2 ways. When cells are extracted from the patient and stored, an autologous transplant is performed. After the client’s illness (usually cancer) has been treated, the platelets are returned to the body to help produce blood cells. The price of the treatment is approximately USD 300,000.
Locating a donor is required. Considering the research and work placed into locating and studying a matching donor, and also the medical process itself, this form of transplant, known as allogeneic transplant, will cost you around USD 676,800
Typical costs
A bone marrow transplant can cost anywhere from $340,000 – $800,000, based upon whether treatment is autologous (using the patient’s bone marrow) or allogeneic (using stem cells from someone). An Allogeneic transplant is more expensive than an autologous transplant since donors must be evaluated, put under anesthesia, and brought to a surgery room to retrieve bone marrow. According to a report, the total cost is around $805,400.
Risks of Bone Marrow Transplantation
Although an operation is needed, a stem cell transplant is a beneficial treatment. It usually does not need an operation and is performed similarly to a transfusion. It is a very efficient treatment for hereditary illnesses that are otherwise fatal. However, there are difficulties and hazards associated with the treatment.
The main factors influence the potential outcomes during transplantation:
- The illness or problem for which the person is being addressed.
- The patient’s height and mental condition.
- The kind of stem cell transplant performed.
Because of a decrease in Rbc in the plasma, the individual may become anemic after the transplantation. After the transfusion, it takes time to get back to normal RBC counts. Some people may need a blood infusion to boost their RBC levels.
What should you anticipate?
A specialist who specializes in blood diseases (hematologist) or malignancy usually performs the operations (oncologist). Stem cells examinations can be done by nurses who have received the training. The stem cells examination usually lasts 20 minutes. Preparing and post-procedure treatment will take longer, specifically if you get IV anesthesia.
The body temperature and pulse rate will be measured, and you’ll be provided an anesthetic to make you calm. Individuals with non – malignant disorders, predictably, had a significantly higher success rate, between 70 percent to 90 percent lifespan with a linked family donor and 35 percent to 65 percent with random donors.
You may need a long time to heal. After the operation, you’ll likely go through several stages of the process, starting with extensive medical supervision. Over the ensuing months, as the healing progresses, you will move to a routine of regular tests.