From connected device to connected body
Wearables are an important part of the Internet of Things movement and enable us to experience the technology up close.
Some inspection visits could replace smart wearables in the near future.
Wearables can also be real helpers in the field of medical studies, according to Healthpally.
Wearables can influence medicine not only in theory but also in practice.
Prepare yourself for the eHealth revolution and rely on apps, interfaces and value-added technology.
Google X
There are also brand new developments from Google X, Google’s innovation forge:
The research laboratory is working on the synthetic production of human skin.
Google wants to use it to develop a bracelet that detects diseases at an early stage.
With the help of the artificial skin, the wearable should detect cancer and impending heart attacks at an early stage and sound the alarm.
In order to be able to test the bracelet and the technology behind it in the most realistic possible environment, artificial arms are covered with a combination of synthetic human skin and donor skin from real people.
Doctor in a box
With Doctor in a Box you bring the digital doctor into your own four walls.
All that is required for use is a diagnostic kit that enables patients to visit a professional doctor within their own four walls.
The kit consists of two parts. Part 1 is a smart stethoscope that is able, among other things, to listen to the heart and lungs or to peer into the patient’s ear.
The stethoscope uses fiber optic light and projects high definition images onto the surface of the skin.
Part 2 consists of a teleconference camera that the user attaches to their own bathroom mirror, for example.
The camera can act as a video chat with your doctor as well as record movements, temperature and the heart rate of the patient.
Thanks to an integrated projector, images of the recordings are projected onto the mirror.
Apple Health
Apple Health is a service app that collects all of the user’s digital health-related data.
The application serves as an interface for several different applications.
Thanks to the HealthKit standard, Apple Health is also compatible with third-party software, so that data from various sources can be clearly recorded and managed.
For the iOS 8 operating system, health is a central component that bundles all health issues.
The app can be used to summarize and analyze data for all vital functions such as pulse, blood pressure, calorie consumption or values such as blood sugar or cholesterol level.
The digital patient card is a helpful feature that is so far unique. In an emergency, rescue workers can access vital data from the lock screen.
In this way, first-aiders and doctors receive important information and can avoid allergy reactions and find out about previous illnesses and contact details of the family doctor.
According to Healthpally experts, the market for digital medicine will amount to 200 billion dollars by 2022.
Thanks to eHealth tools and digitized processes, the relationship between doctor and patient will change even more in the future.
Like I’ve always said, digitization will not just enhance, improve, or evolve procedures in health service delivery, it will change the landscape totally.
Old methods of health service discharge will be abandoned as artificial intelligence, IoT, 5g, big data and others change things.