Tips from emergency dentist to tackle emergencies at home

What are considered as a dental emergency? Let us find that out in the following sections. 

Conditions that are considered as a dental emergency include the following –

Urgent treatment related to the mouth –

  • Swelling in the face that extends to the eye or the neck
  • Bleeding caused by trauma
  • Tooth completely knocked out 
  • Tooth that is broken and is causing pain
  • Bleeding following extraction of a tooth that continues over 20 minutes even applying substantial pressure with gauze (It is important to note that in tooth extractions a little amount of blood oozing from the site is normal, just like when you had grazed knees. So, that should not make you panicky.)
  • Severe pain in the tooth that disrupts your sleep and eating (The condition may also be accompanied by considerable swelling in and around the affected site or a fever and the overall circumstance cannot be managed with over-the-counter painkillers)

Straightaway to Accident & Emergency (A&E) room –

  • Trauma that results in loss of consciousness, vomiting or double vision
  • Swelling in the facial area that affects vision or creates breathing problems
  • Facial swelling that prevents opening of the mouth more than 2-fingers width

Non urgent dental conditions that can wait

  • Bleeding gums
  • Loose, lost or broken dental fillings
  • Loose or lost dental bridges, crowns or veneers
  • Chipped teeth without any pain
  • Broken, loose dentures or dentures rubbing against the cheek
  • According to dentists working at a prominent emergency dental clinic in London cases of lost brackets or loose orthodontic wires also come under this category


Anti-inflammatory medicines are known to help reducing pain in the tooth. An example of this variety of medicine is ibuprofen. It is better to combine any paracetamol with ibuprofen to get faster and more positive results.

Ibuprofen comes under the category of NSAID or Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. It is readily available over the counter at pharmacies. It is important to note that any painkiller must be taken as per the instructions mentioned on the label. You should never ever exceed that mentioned dose.

Sensitivity in the tooth

If you experience sensitivity in the tooth to hot or cold then you should better start using sensitive toothpaste. You may even request your dentist to recommend you one. Rub the sensitive toothpaste all over the teeth and just leave it like that. Do not rinse the mouth with either water or any mouthwash. This allows the sensitive toothpaste to make better effect on your tooth or teeth.  

Most widely used brands of sensitive toothpastes are Colgate Sensitive and Sensodyne. There are also hundreds of prescription-based products in the market each meant for targeted users. 

Do you have a night guard or a retainer? If you have in that case rub the sensitive tooth or the area with sensitive toothpaste. You should also squeeze some paste in the tray and place it on the teeth. You can use the sensitive toothpaste this way for better results at any time during day or night.

Wisdom tooth or teeth

Not every wisdom tooth case turns out to be painful. But if it becomes painful, one’s life simply becomes tormenting. But causes pain in wisdom tooth eruption? The pain is caused by inflammation of the gum tissues over the erupting tooth. in most cases the inflammation even turns worse by accidental biting. 

Usually most of these cases can be sorted out at home provided a patient gets quality care and attention. Recovery stage may last from a few days to a week.

  • In spite of the pain, it is important to keep the wisdom tooth area properly cleaned (This facilitates faster healing of the wound)
  • Follow a soft diet so that not much biting is involved while eating 
  • A patient can take normal painkillers like ibuprofen combined with any paracetamol (But make sure never exceed the dosage mentioned on the label)
  • Regularly rinse the mouth with lukewarm saltwater 

But in case if you develop difficulty in swallowing or opening the mouth or if there is swelling in your face or the cheek, then you must contact your dentist immediately. These are symptoms of complications and must be treated urgently explain dentists working at one of the best emergency dental clinics in London.

Mouth ulcers

Ulcers in the mouth can be painful. The good thing is these ulcers usually heal up in 7 to 10 days. but non healing ulcers or oral lesions remain present for 2 to 3 weeks. It is important to access these carefully. Assessment should be done by either a dentist or a doctor.  

  • Rinse the mouth well several times every day with lukewarm saltwater 
  • Thorough cleaning of the mouth is important during these days (Although proper cleaning of the mouth proves difficult and painful at this stage but yet that is crucial to facilitate faster healing of the ulcers. You may use a baby brush for these few days.)
  • Follow a soft diet to avoid trauma from biting
  • It is good to use Difflam spray or mouthwash (Benzydamine)
  • Pain killing medicines like ibuprofen combined with paracetamol can also be taken (Do follow the instructions on dosage as printed on the label)

If the ulcer is caused by rubbing dentures, then you can use Fixodent or any other denture adhesive to fix loose dentures.

Pain or bleeding after extraction of a tooth

After a tooth is extracted, you should take regular painkillers for few days. Pain resulting from tooth extraction usually turns worst in 3 to 4 days. Remember that little bit of blood oozing from the site is normal. So, if you discover your spit is pink there is nothing to worry about. There is nothing much you can do to stop this oozing to connect with emergency dentist London

But if there is heavy or free bleeding then it is important to arrest the bleeding. Bit hard on gauze or a clean handkerchief in that case. Usually, it takes about 20 minutes or so to control bleeding in these cases mentions a dentist associated with Emergency Dentist London Pro.  

Here is a word of caution for habitual smokers. Do not smoke soon after having a tooth extracted. It may lead you to the problem of dry socket. You should not even rinse the mouth too soon after a tooth extraction to avoid unwanted complications.