Are you doubtful if there are disadvantages of having a baby with IVF? This article can help you out.
This article discusses certain aspects of IVF pregnancy including how IVF is different from natural pregnancy, if there are really any disadvantages of having a baby with IVF, and how you can avoid the risk of such disadvantages.
How is IVF Different from Natural Pregnancy?
Natural pregnancy is when conception is achieved naturally through intercourse. In natural pregnancy, inside the fallopian tube, in her own body and then it travels down and attaches to the uterine lining where it further develops into the fetus and the pregnancy continues so on.
On the other hand, IVF is a clinical pregnancy procedure called assisted conception technology (ACT) in which unlike natural pregnancy takes place in a laboratory where an endocrinologist retrieves the healthiest egg from the woman’s body. After successful, the it is called an embryo is implanted around the uterine lining to attach and develop further as a fetus, and the pregnancy will continue as normal.
However, a couple always attempts and should always attempt natural pregnancy since it is the healthiest method of conception. But because there are many couples who suffer from fail to conceive naturally, treatments such as IUI (intrauterine insemination) and IVF can still help them conceive and have a baby.
Are There Disadvantages of Having a Baby with IVF?
However there is no evidence that IVF babies have some specific disadvantages as compared to babies who are born naturally, they have a significantly higher risk of developing birth complications. These complications include:
Premature delivery
Multiple case studies have confirmed that women who conceive through IVF are at a higher risk of premature delivery. Because babies who are delivered prematurely have a lower birth weight than normal. Though babies born with lower birth weight are usually healthy, they are comparatively smaller and may have difficulty eating, difficulty putting on weight or a weak immune system. It is because IVF babies are commonly delivered after 38 weeks, 266 days from egg retrieval whereas babies who are conceived naturally take as long as 40 weeks, 280 days from the first day of the last menstrual cycle. Even some women can take as long as 43 weeks to go into labor.
Birth defects
Case studies have also evidenced that IVF babies have a significantly higher risk of having birth defects such as heart disease, cancer and inherited medical conditions from parents. Though babies who conceived naturally can also develop these birth defects, IVF babies are more likely to develop them.
How to Avoid Risk of IVF Baby Disadvantages
Though it is not possible to prevent the risk of birth defects, low birth weight or any other disadvantages an IVF baby can be prone to, you can always take necessary precautions to at least reduce their risk of occurrence in your baby. These common precautions include:
Consider IVF only if required
IVF definitely is a great clinical pregnancy treatment for couples who have tried and are not able to conceive naturally. But, if you are conceive naturally, you should always avoid IVF, IUI or any other clinical pregnancy treatment. Though, some couples who have reproductive abnormalities or if the female partner’s fallopian tube is blocked or damaged, considering IVF is perfectly fine.
Choose the right doctor
One best thing that a couple can do to ensure that their IVF-conceived baby does not have any birth defects or other by-birth health issues, always choose the right doctor. Make sure that your doctor is well-qualified, experienced, has a high success rate and is reputed around your locality. You can consider Grace, the best IVF centre in Gurgaon indeed.
Get all your preconception tests done
Before you start with your IVF cycles, it is foremost that you get all your gynaecologist suggested preconception tests done. These essential tests will make clear that you are healthy to conceive a baby and have no reproductive abnormalities or health conditions that might affect the baby’s development and post-birth healthiness.
Prepare yourself
Good gynaecologists themself advise couples to adopt a healthy lifestyle and consider using prenatal vitamins to avoid any health problems malnutrition can cause to the baby. You should start exercising, eating a healthy balanced diet, taking prenatal vitamins even before undergoing IVF treatment.
The Bottom Line
However it is more common in IVF babies to have some kind of birth defect, it is always possible to avoid such health issues by taking some necessary precautions. One best thing to minimise the risk of IVF baby disadvantages is to choose the right IVF doctor in your locality, getting all advised preconception tests done and making right lifestyle changes before your IVF cycles.