The deficiency of iron can lead to Anemia. It is the most common blood disorder, which makes you feel dizzy and weak. If your body is not getting sufficient amounts of iron, the hemoglobin level, and RBCs count lower down, and due to which cells in your body may not receive enough oxygen. This is because the red blood cells carry the oxygen from the lungs to every part of the body.
So, it is better to take a proper iron-rich diet before becoming prey to anemia.
Anemia is most commonly found in pregnant women and small children. Therefore doctors always suggest iron supplements for women during the whole pregnancy period and even while breastfeeding.
In this article, we will discuss the iron boosting foods that help us to fight with iron-deficiency anemia. Before we go any further, let us have a glimpse of the symptoms of anemia.
- Skin Paleness
- Fatigue
- Excessive hair fall
- Feeling weak
- Problem in breathing
- Constant Peevishness
According to the WHO, the child should possess 11 to 13 grams of hemoglobin per deciliter to stay healthy. And women who have less than 11gram HB per deciliter are anemic, and the same goes for men who have less than 13 grams of HB per deciliter.
Experts say that adults must take 8- 17 grams of iron in their daily diet. There are several foods plant-based and meat-based food that are rich in iron contents. But iron supplements for women are necessary as they lose blood each month during the menstruation period.
Food items to consider in your meal to fight against iron-deficiency -:
Green and leafy vegetables -:
They are a good source of iron and provide around 6-10 grams of iron per 100 grams of intake. You must include a minimum of 100gm of green leafy vegetables such as spinach, collard, swiss chard, asparagus, etc in your daily diet.
Seafood -:
Seafood such as clams, oysters, mussels, octopus, cuttlefish, tuna, mackerel, etc is a good source of iron. Apart from iron the seafood is also rich in protein and contains very few calories. Also, it is an abundant source of omega3 fatty acids, which is good for the brain as well as heart health. They provide enough heme iron to us which is easily absorbed by the body.
Whole grain -:
You can increase intake by having whole grains in the place of refined grains. The whole-grain foods contain high iron content and tons of other nutrients such as minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants which are not present in refined grains. This is because refined grains are milled whereas whole grain consist all three parts of the grain i.e. germ, endosperm, and bran.
You should include whole-grain food in your everyday meal to curb iron deficiency.
Dried Fruits -:
Dried fruits have a lot of health benefits and are extremely rich in iron. Therefore regular consumption of dried dates, resins, apricots, almonds, figs, cashew nuts, and apples helps to increase iron levels in the body.
Animal meat -:
If you are a nonvegetarian then it is good to include animal meat such as lamb meat, beef meat, turkey, chicken, and pork to fulfill the iron deficiency. Out of this red meat is the best source of iron. It helps to increase the iron level much faster than non-heme vegetarian foods.
The Bottom Line -:
By doing slight changes in your diet plan, you can overcome the anemia and restore your vitality. You can consider the above-mentioned foods to treat the iron deficiency but if you have certain medical conditions then it will be better to take iron supplements along with an iron-rich diet.