For different purposes, fertility therapies may be the only way to assist patients who suffer from infertility. Different patient types may be assisted with fertility therapies to become pregnant and have a healthy infant, such as single women, female couples and heterosexual couples. For individuals who either have difficulty conceiving or for whom it is not even possible to become pregnant without support, fertility therapies provide different advantages. Read all about the advantages of therapies for fertility! Opt ivf treatment in hyderabad.
With fertility drugs, women with ovulation problems, either controlling ovulation or increasing egg production, often find success. Most couples quickly achieve success. Women who suffer from polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), thyroid problems, numerous eating disorders or weight disorders (over or underweight) are other candidates. Women with endometriosis and tubal factor infertility are other candidates for fertility treatment.
Function of drugs for fertility
Fertility drugs can help both men and women. Fertility medicine is also administered to men who suffer from low sperm levels or have been diagnosed with slow or sluggish sperm. These drugs can help improve the count and motility of sperm.
To control their menstrual cycle, women may benefit from using fertility drugs. The exact time of ovulation will increase the chance of a normal pregnancy by being able to more accurately chart and predict the cycle of a woman. In addition, fertility medicines are used to increase the amount of eggs released by a woman. During a normal menstrual cycle, a woman can only release one egg. The number of eggs increases with the use of fertility drugs, which in turn increases the likelihood of sperm finding an egg to fertilise.
What are medications for fertility?
Over the years, fertility drugs have been hotly debated. It is time for the record to be set straight.
Drugs are often used to predict and graph the time of ovulation for a woman. Ovulation is the moment when an egg or eggs are released from the ovary in the menstrual cycle of a woman. During the span when pregnancy is likely to occur, there is a window of opportunity.
Often, drugs are often used to increase the number of eggs produced. More eggs indicate a greater likelihood of conception. During her menstrual cycle, a woman normally releases only one egg. Increasing this amount of eggs increases the sperm’s probability of finding an egg to fertilise.
In men, medications may also be used. Drugs can be used to help improve the sperm count and motility or “move with purpose” when the sperm count is low or when the sperm is sluggish.
Popular Drugs for Fertility
What is your doctor going to prescribe for you then? All depends on what the final diagnosis of infertility turns out to be. But here are a couple of medicines that your doctor might discuss with you.
Clomid- Clomiphene citrate is often referred to as this anti-estrogen drug. In order to improve egg production, it is also prescribed to women. This drug increases the development of testosterone, which may also be used in certain men to increase the production of sperm.
Gonal-F-Copying the results of FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) is the purpose of this medication. One of the hormones guiding meiosis in the ovaries is FSH. This method takes immature cells and creates eggs that are mature.
Fertinex-This is similar to Gonal-F, but it is not generated like Gonal-F in the laboratory. The follicle stimulating hormone used is a hormone that is naturally taken from other protein powder women.
Novarel-This drug mimics another hormone, LH or luteinizing hormone, found in the female body. This hormone is responsible for ensuring the occurrence of ovulation every month. It is not an actual luteinizing hormone but is synthesised from the urine of pregnant women with HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin).
The Pros
Such medicines do work. They will raise the chances of becoming pregnant. The use of fertility drugs combined with these alternative methods for pregnancy will improve the likelihood of conception even if other approaches fail the first time tried.
Technology evolution:
It has been almost four decades since the birth of the first child using IVF and the procedural difficulties have also dramatically decreased with the evolution of science and technology. The success rate of IVF has actually improved many times, which was about 10% about three decades ago. That said for a long period of time, the IUI success rates have remained constant. Again with massive advances in IVF technology, it is now absolutely possible for patients to receive treatment on an outpatient basis within half a day. It is a myth that IVF procedures are time consuming.
Cost efficient:
It is true that the cost of one IUI cycle is lower than that of an IVF cycle, but with the amount of cycles statistically needed to lead to pregnancy, this benefit is nullified. In addition, patients transitioning to IVF after three or more failed IUI attempts would have saved more money than if they had attempted IVF directly.
This few distinct benefits enjoyed by IVF and IUI are only given to inform you about the possibilities and should therefore not be regarded as final advice. Opt ivf procedure in chennai.