Getting enough sleep is essential for our mental and physical health. When we don’t get enough sleep we’re more likely to be irritable and less productive the next day. This blog post will give you ten tips on how to have a better night’s sleep.
1. Put Away Your Screens
The first tip is to turn off the screens before bed. We all know how much easier it can be to fall asleep when your head hits a pillow, so why fight Mother Nature? Turn off those glowing blue lights that are coming from our phones and computers about two hours before you plan on sleeping (Some people may need more or less time). If you can’t turn off your computer or TV completely, download a special program for nighttime use.

2. Stay Cool
The next tip is to make sure that the air in your room is cool and comfortable. Our bodies tend to run hotter when we sleep, so keeping our rooms cooler will help us fall asleep faster! A good temperature range should be about 65 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit.
3. Your Tummy Needs Sleep Too
Another thing is to make sure that you don’t eat right before bed! Eating a big meal too close to sleeping can be uncomfortable and cause heartburn or stomach aches which will keep us up all night long! Try eating dinner at least two hours before going to sleep.
4. Keep It Dark
A great way to improve your sleep is to make sure that your room is dark! If we can see our clock radio glowing in the middle of the night it will be harder to fall back asleep after waking up for any reason. Try using some blackout curtains or putting towels over your windows to darken the room.
5. Know Thyself
One way to improve sleep is to learn how much sleep you need! Everyone is different, so it might take some trial and error for finding out what works best for you. Some nights we may need as little as six hours, and other nights we might require ten! If you’re feeling groggy after a night of sleep, try going to bed earlier the next night.
6. Your Bed Matters
The sixth tip is to make sure that your mattress supports your body. A lot of people spend a ton on their phones or computers but don’t invest in a supportive mattress. A bad mattress will cause pain and discomfort that can lead to a sleepless night.
7. Watch the Caffeine
A really important tip for improving sleep is to watch out for caffeine. Caffeine might keep us awake after all, but it can also be a quick fix if we’re having trouble falling asleep. Try drinking some warm oat milk before bed instead of coffee and tea.
8. Take a Bath or Shower
The eighth tip is to take a warm bath before bedtime. The heat will soothe away any stress and anxiety, making it easier for us to fall asleep. Try reading in the tub if you find that this helps put you at ease too.
9. Take Care of Your Body
Next, is to make sure that we’re taking care of our bodies. If you’re experiencing any form of chronic pain, talk with your doctor. Conditions such as TMJ and arthritis can keep your body awake at night. If you are noticing that you are clenching your jaw at night you might consider looking for a specialist in your area that treats TMJ. For example, if you live in North Carolina, consider searching for a TMJ treatment in Raleigh, NC to help you improve your sleep.
10. Visit a Sleep Therapy Center
If nothing seems to be working, you may be suffering from a sleep disorder, such as Sleep Apnea. Visit a sleep therapy center to make sure that you’re getting the best possible night’s rest.
It’s important to get a good night’s sleep, even if it takes some adjustments. These tips should help you improve the quality of your nighttime rest and feel more refreshed in the morning.